Strickly business

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A couple days passed and I was busy as heck in the coffee shop. Travis was away for a out of town meeting with a prospective partner in Black Fuel I was excited for this one only because they had overseas connection. I was told , by my brother expand in the beginning and watch how fast word of mouth travels.

He never steered me wrong to this day.

My calendar was packed for the week so unfortunately, I had to tell Travis I couldn't tag along on the birthday day trip for Julie. To bad because I knew I could use a vacation. I was slightly jealous he still was going. Although, I could have someone reschedule and rearrange my .... No , that's not the grown up thing to do.

My attention is caught off guard by an email. It's from someone I don't recognize but my curiosity has the best of me. So click open and sit back reading it.

My eyes widen and I'm stoked !! Travis sealed the deal with the guys in NY. Those are some of the hardest people to convince to buy or even try another brand of coffee besides their usually run of the mill Starbucks. Not a fan of it truthfully. It lacks taste and way to sweet.

Not to brag , but mine is smooth brew and I handpicked every sample. I know it's good.

His email explains that he will stay another two days and that I need to fly in and speak with the head honcho. And to bring more samples.

I'm on it.

I grab my car keys and head to the parking lot. As I opened the door I feel eyes on me. I turn my head left and see her standing there. Wonder why she's here ?

"If your looking for Travis he's away on business". I pull my sunglasses over my eyes and walk to the area my car is parked.

" I'm not here to see him , actually I was hoping to speak to you . If your in a hurry I can do this another .." I turn to face her again.

" What can I help you with ?" I said with a smirk.

"He told me that your planning on not coming with us on the birthday trip , why is that ?"

My ears perk up and I'm curious what's her motive for asking me this.

" Just have other stuff going on that's all. Plus I don't wanna intrude on your getaway. I was only joking I didn't , wanna come".

She clears her throat and says " Your lying I can tell by the tone of your voice. I don't know you but I know when someone is lying ".

I take off my glasses and come closer to her and say " Your right , you don't know me. So you don't know what your talking about. I helped fix your car and that's all I did. I'm not gonna ask you out to dinner or ask you to marry me. I'm much to busy for shit like that . So if you'll excuse me I have places to be. ".

" Why are you being nasty ? I'm just trying to be honest ".

" I'm not , you just can't handle when a guy says it like it is. Am I right ? Most likely I am. Trust me , I know I'm right. I don't mix business with pleasure. "

" Who said I wanted you like that ? God you have such a inflated ego don't you. Is that what your used to? Girls throwing themselves at you and doing just whatever you say ? Welllll pretty boy that's not me. I'm a boss just like you are except unlike you, I don't need anyone's help to run my business. Yea , you have a great day. Have fun being alone tonight. ". She walked away and got inside a taxi cab.

Never have I had a woman speak to me like she just did. Just my luck I won't see her again.

I get inside my car and turn on the A/C to cool off from the staggering LA heat wave.

On my way to the house , I kept thinking about what she said. She doesn't know I kept telling myself. She's wrong about everything. I'm not lonely . I can snatch a chick up and take her home fuck her and be done.

Work comes first , then sex then coffee. Fuck everything else as far as I was concerned.

Oh great ! Jared's calling , what does he want I'm not in the mood for lectures.

" Yea ? What's up ?"

He's silent at first then speaks.

" You on your way to New York ? I'm gonna meet you at the airport. Someone needs my help and so I'm coming along with you".

" Fine ,cool whatever. See you there I gotta pick up some shit first from the house. ".

" Why are you so damn pissy ?" He says with a mocking tone.

" Ran into this chick she's prissy and thinks that she knows me. Found it that she's best buds with Travis ".

"Sounds like someone i'd get along with ". He laughs and I'm not in the mood.

" See you at the airport. ". I hang up and slide the phone in the slot beside my seat.

Hour later I'm checking for my flight. Gotta love this airport ! Parking is a no go. People take their sweet ass time drives me crazy. I wait till I'm called for departure.

Off in the distance I hear cackling. It's her again.

" Well well well look what the cat drug in . Where ya off to of I can ask ? Or you gonna bite me head off again. "

I don't look up I have nothing to say anyhow.

She grabs a seat next to me and says " You want some coffee I have an extra. ".

" Is it from Starbucks ? If so, no thanks"

She stays quiet and drinks it herself.

Maybe I was a little rough around the edges. But that's how I have to be. I told myself don't get involved in love keep your head in the business game. Don't let anyone come in between it.

My flight came across  the speakers. I'm so ready to leave this all behind.

Is she following me ? Again !

" Why are you following me ? "

We stand face to face and her perfume fills my senses. Fuck she smells good.

" Well if you must know , I'm flying to New York to meet up with Travis".

" Why is that ? He's Ina business trip he shouldn't be fooling around on my watch that won't fly with me ".

" Oh my god calm down , it's just a lunch date . I have business there too I'm not gonna keep him from his work ". She hands the woman her ticket and walks ahead of me.

Our of the blue , I see jay coming.  So typical , he's always late for everything.

We both hand her the plane tickets and board the plane.

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