Camping time

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Jareds  POV 

What a beautiful weekend for a camp out.  I invited my brother and Travis to come join Kim and I. But for some reason , Shannon said that Travis had to stay behind because of work issues.  Funny, why he didn't stay too. Oh well.  We were on our way to go meet up with  the two love birds , when my phone went off.  I didn't recognize the number , so I let it go to voicemail.

Shannon and Julie come out and loaded  up the car and off we went. Kim didn't  sound happy. She had filled me in that she wasn't a huge fan of tents or bugs . Me? I love bugs . I love nature I love being outdoors. Give me Rocks  and lakes over  malls and hotels anyday.  Shannon and her should hit it off , he hates tents. He's more of the Ritz Carlton over a muddy lake and campground.  If there's  no coffee or shower, he's out.

Thank God Julie is like I am. A camping fool.

" Hey babe! So great to see you again,  how have you been ?"  Julie hugs  Kim and I grab Shannons bag , tossing it to the back of the trunk.  My Suv is dirty as fuck. And his baby is pristine and untouched. Hence  why we take my car on trips. 

" Been good hows Travis ?"  

Julie face changes and I see the wheels turning in her head.  Something is up. 

" Fine  , he's fine "   She doesn't say another word and gets in the back seat of the car.

" She ok ?"   I look at Shannon watching his face as he explains what had happened exactly. It's fucked up, but it's none of my business.

The chit chat stops  and we set off for a great weekend of fun and roughing it. 

The radio is playing good music. I look and see Julie is staring blankly  out the window.  I need to change the mood of this car right now.

" Hey jewels , I was thinking of asking you , are you down for a night hike  to the top of this trail? And maybe after  we reach the top , we can  try this thing when you scream and throw a rock and release something that's bothering you. And let it go , you up for it ?"  

She looked at me like I was crazy or something. She  had no clue that Shannon had filled me in on her friend's passing. I wasn't trying to make her feel uncomfortable whatsoever. I only had  good intentions.

"Maybe she just wants to be with Shannon this weekend and relax.  We don't need an agenda do we ? Let's just play it by ear. I'm looking forward to a drink when we get there. How about you ?"  She smile at me and grabs my hand.  Part of me wants to hold back.  I still feel like maybe we both are rushing  into this thing called love. I'm falling for her , yet im not ready to give my whole heart away.  Not just yet.

" I just wanna hike  and watch the sun go down. Maybe you girls can get a drink. Shannon you want some coffee ? What am I saying , of course you do "  

He laughed then said " Can't believe you seriously asked me that " 

" Yea well , anyways , I'm starving so we're  gonna eat before we get there. Who's up  for seafood?" 

" Oh man that sounds amazing !  I know this great place...." 

"Not really . I really want a salad  baby "

" Shannon how  about you ?"

Kim sat bAck in her seat and didn't speak another word to me. 

Soon we came across a well known eatery.  I made sure Kim and Julie both were taken care. No way was I gonna have either one pay for anything. That's just how I roll. I take care of those I love. 

Our dishes arrived and had that  great artistic flare, and that's why I choose this place.  The food was hot  & the drinks were cold. Perfect.

Kim still hadn't said a word to me , but I wasn't gonna push it. 

" So what's up with T? You heard from him lately ? Kind worried he fell off the face of the earth or something. "   Shannon said as he shoved another bite of his cocktail shrimp into  his mouth.

" No , I thought maybe you might have by now ? Didn't you guys talk about him coming along in this trip last week?"

" Oh yea, i forgot! He did call me and   left a message. I've been so occupied with BF, that I spaced it completely. He probably wondering , what the fuck , this dick left me hanging" Shannon laughed and looked over  at Kim. And not in  a nice way either.

Why they both couldn't bury the hatchet was beyond me. I don't hold grudges , that's petty  shit. I  have better thing to occupy my time  with.

" You guys have something you wanna bring to the table ? Or do you just gonna throw death stares  at each other all night  "   I sat bAck and witnessed something funny. 

Julie had gotten  up and left the table. I joined her. I could tell something was not right with  her.  And I wanted to find out what exactly.

" Hows life?"  I touch her shoulder letting  her know I'm a safe place to talk. Not here to judge.

She looked down and then fiddled with the bar menu. Then finally she made eye contact with me 

" It's ok. How about you ?"   She looks over to the cars passing by. Her body language speaks I'm nervous I wanna leave. But that's not gonna happen.

The tone  of her voice  was trembling. I  could sense she wanted to run and avoid talking all together.

" I'm really looking forward to the hike  later on.  Maybe make some Smores you like Smores?"   I feel my hand being pulled and I pull back.

" Why do you pull away when I touch you "  She's upset but I don't like being interrupted.

" Did you not see me talking to her  just now ?" I say gruffly.

She walked back to the table and sips more of her drink.

" You good?"  Shannon asks with concern.

" Peachy , just fuckin peachy. So how are you ? I need another drink.  I'm regretting that I even came. Think I'm gonna head back after we all finish eating."  

" Don't go , just stay. He's just  talking to her. That's all "  

" I know , it's just maybe I wish he would spend more time talking to me ,ya know ?"  

" I feel ya. Look I'm sorry about what I said that weekend. Lets just squash the shit already, deal?  "  

She held out her hand and they shook on  it. 

I came back over and kissesd Kim on the lips , just to prove I wasn't purposely ignoring her. 

She smiled.

" I almost left you , I was this close!"   smacking my arm playfully.

I nuzzled up into her neck and said " You wouldn't have gotten far baby , trust me" 

We kissed .

" Jewels, you ok ?" Shannon massaged her neck looking concerned.

" Yea, she's  good.  I'm ready for dessert how about you guys?"  

The waitress brought us some red velvet cake and I mAde that shit disappear in seconds flat. It's my fav.

Finally, we set off to the camp grounds and made it there before late evening. With the tents  finally pitched , it was time for the hike. This time , everyone wanted to go , which floored me.

The stars and crickets made their appearance setting the mood as we set off on group night hike.

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