Take me away to paradise

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Shannon's POV

The cool winds blow through the blinds waking me from a late afternoon nap under palm tree. The warmth of the sand is soothing. Time off from work is just what the doctor ordered. I know I must have tons of calls emails and misses texts from the crew , but it's no worry of mine at this moment.

Off in the distance I can see Travis and Julie walking along the beach shore line. I have a big suprise for them both. I have been contemplating for awhile now a plan to build my brand and maybe hers. We will see what they think of the idea. Just gotta think of when to bring it up and how.

" Come on Shannon , swim with us ! It's so warm." Swim ? I look over to both of them running into the water.  She's naked ! She's crazy what the hell ?  I'm not used to these type of chicks. I'm private and keep all my personal shit to myself. Usually I attract the ones looking for bragging rights.  Or they want a piece of the money pie. My ex wasn't like that though . I gotta admit she was in it for love just like I was. It's a shame it had to end truthfully if it wasn't for the cheating , we would still be together. It takes a lot to push me away.

" SHANNON! Get naked and come play !"   This girl.

I toss off my shirt and leave on my shorts. 

Ohhhh yeaaa the water feels like bath water so warm like a jacuzzi. I slide into the deeper parts and slide off my trunks. Travis moves away and she playfully pushes him. Like I said I have no jealousy with their relationships. I know it's strictly friendship . Nothing more.

" Nice rack bitch !" 

" Thank you to bad you can't play with em ha ha ". 

He comes over and grabs a handful anyway and she smacks his shoulder. Still doesn't bother me.

" I have a huge suprise for you jewels .  It's something you have been asking for quite awhile. ".  He looked over to me and I could read his face and had an idea what it was. I knew it would top mine. But still I don't give up. She could be very happy about mine.  We will see. 

" I'm hungry , anyone wanna go eat ?"   I say with a look of maybe he should back off of her so I can get closer.

" I'm not . You guys can go eat I'm gonna stay here enjoy this paradise. Have fun ". He swim on his back and paddles with his feet. 

" Yea I'm not hungry either. Can we go later ? ". She swims to him and grabs his feet.

" Hey ! No free rides buddy !"  He kicks his feet trying to shove her off. She pulls herself higher on his legs , soon her face is over his dick. I've seen enough. I'm gonna go eat.

" Where you going ?"  She calls out to me. I don't wanna explain what I'm thinking I just need to go eat and space out.

" I will meet you guys back at the room ok ? Have fun ".  I walk up to the shore line and place a towel over my shoulders and grab my phone. Maybe I should answer these calls and text. And hold off on the news about the coffee merge. I should seriously think about it some more.

Back at the beach ........

" What do you think he's upset about ?"  Julie says handing Travis the bottle of wine. The sun is going down over head as the water crashes over their feet.

" Who knows ? He's a mystery but he's probably fine. Don't worry your pretty little head. It's a guy thing. Here , let's toast .  To your birthday tomorow and lots of surprises to come later on. I can't wait to give it to you later tomorrow night after we have cake. By the way , what kind of cake is your fav ?"   Travis pours two glasses of white wine and lays back onto the beach towel.

" Hands down red velvet and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream in the side. Ever since I was a kid it hasn't changed. Sounds so good to right now , we should find a cupcake shop and have dish ? What do you think ? Cmon lets go like we used to do growing up. ". 

Travis smiled and rolled into his side.

" Ok , ok let's drink and enjoy the sunset then we will , deal ?"   She laid her head on his chest and looked up and poked his nose.

Travis laughed and almost spilled his wine.

Playfully they poked each other back and forth.

" This has been a fun trip so far , thank you". 

" It was Shannon's idea. He didn't tell you ?"   Travis grabbed his phone as he felt it buzzing below him on the towel.

" It was ? I thought it was yours ? What changed ?"

" I cancelled due to work stuff him and I had to tend to .  He guilted me into keeping to the original plans and called the buyer and told him we had to reschedule. Sneaky fuck that he can be. He made this all happen so you can thank him for all this. Speaking of which , wonder what he's up to. Can't be eating still. Probably up in the room working knowing him. We should head back, see if he wants to go with us for cake and ice cream."   He stand up and helps me to my feet.

Wine in hand they headed back to the room.

Travis took the key and slid it into the door.  They both open it only to see , Shannon's not there. Where is he?
He indeed wasn't present but there on the bed was a gift , from him.

What's this Julie though ?  She stepped  closer and reached for the gift. Opening it up each corner she pealed back the last part of tape and gasped. It was beautiful! He's so thoughtful. She only wished he was here so she could thank him.

But where did he go ? 

Later that night as Julie and Travis returned from the cupcake shop with treats for Shannon , he was back in the room. Travis decided to leave us alone and head over to check in his room for the night.

" You like my gift ?"  I said with a grin on my face.  Julie closes the door and comes over to the bed. I watch her take strip down to her panties and bra. I wanna light that skin on fire with my tongue.

" I do baby , what do you want in exchange for this sweet gift ? Anything your body desires I wanna fulfill it. Lemme know". She turns around and takes off her panties and bends down touching her ankles. That ass god damn ! I smack it once with my hand and rub the red marks with my hand and massage it. She moans and I know how bad she wants it.

" I need you so bad right now Shannon". She faces me on the bed I'm hard as fuck and need her just as bad. Slowly I slide off my boxers and she licks her lips.

" Hope your not planning on sleeping tonight , because I'm not" I grab her hands , pulling  her body over mine. Immediately her lips are all over my neck. Both my hands gripping her ass as I rub her against my cock. She's breathless and I'm gonna take her over the edge further then she's ever been before with me. Ecstasy  awaits us tonight.

I'm gonna make her body quiver with pleasures all night long. It's her birthday and I'm all about eating a piece of her birthday cake. Oh yea , mmmm let the feast begin.

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