Chapter nine

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I sighed for like the third time now, I was bored out of my mind! I had TV, and I had a very big house to explore but I still felt bored.
I felt so empty and alone. I've never been this alone in my life.
My street-Maitama was lively. No matter the quietness you'll at least hear cars and motor cycles passing through.
But here in Aso Rock it was so quiet and the silence was deafening.
A honk comes from the gate. I hurriedly got off from the couch and peeped through the curtain.
I squealed when I recognized the famous Toyota Venza of my house. I ran to the front door and went outside the house tackling Yasir before he even finished coming out of the car.
"Gee we miss you too" Maha exclaimed coming out of the car. I chuckled and attacked her too. I hugged all of them- Manal, Zury, Maha, Mufti and Yasir.
"Wallahi I was so bored, I was ready to stab myself!" I happily said as I dragged them to my house.
"Wow, is this heaven" Mufti asked, his mouth agape.
"Nope it's my humble abode" I replied "mi casa et tuca sa"
"Hanina come and help me with this box" Manal said. She was holding a brown box.
"Kai Manal!" I pouted "can't a girl rest?" I asked.
"Laru hundu koh ma( see your mouth ) jahre come and hold something" she scolded.
I groaned then helped her with the box, not dropping it till we reached an empty room at the bottom of the stairs.
"What is this?" I asked.
"Your sturdy/library" Zury came in and informed.
I smiled and hugged them both "thank you"
"Thank mama and baba for buying all these things" Zury muttered then started removing books from the box.
"Hanina go and tell Mufti and Yasir to bring the other boxes" Manal instructed.
I nodded and left to inform Yasir and Mufti.
They were all in the kitchen raiding my fridge.
"Toh eat everything and be happy" I muttered when I reached them.
"Sorry" Maha said, her mouth full with Doritos.
"I was joking oo, eat everything seff"
Maha shrugged and closed the fridge then jumped on the kitchen island.
Yasir and Mufti have already left to carry the box.
"So Hanina how's married life?"
"Wallahi it's no fun" I replied.
"Sabr sister sabr" she stroked my arm and continued munching on her Doritos.
"Hanina come show me the rest of the house" Yasir dragged me upstairs.
"These are the three guest rooms" I said showing him all the rooms.
They were designed so beautifully. I had a hard time choosing my room.
"The last room doesn't have anything. I'm going to make it an art room. A place where I will draw Grant Gustin all I want" I dreamily said.
Yasir nodded and smiled. He knew my never ending love for Grant.
"And ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Kings lair" I dramatically exclaimed.
Opening my arms wide and showing Yasir my room.
"Hanina I'm jealous, your house is so pretty" Yasir complimented. "Aaliyah should hurry and see this"
"I know right?" I said and jumped on my bed. "Come sit on the bed" I patted the place beside me.
Yasir regards me quietly then obeyed and sat down on the King-sized bed.
"So, tell me about Ayman. Are you guys getting along?" Yasir asked.
I bit my lip and looked around the room. I wanted to tell Yasir everything because well he is my bestfriend and I tell him everything.
Yasir he's a drunk,
He doesn't talk to me,
He ignores me.
And so on, but then I remembered Mama's voice.
"Hanina somethings are meant to be kept between husband and wife only, not even your bestfriends should know about it"
"Yeah" I nodded nervously, I've never kept anything from Yasir till today "I think we're getting along just fine"
"Great then" he smiled, his dimples showing.
I smiled back as I pictured Yasir in Ayman's place. I wouldn't care if I was 16 or not, I'll happily marry him.
Married to my bestfriend... Hmm that has a nice ring to it.
"Are you people out of your mind?!" Zury yelled. Her hands were on her hips and she was giving us her scary pointed look.
"What did we do?" Yasir asked, bouncing off the bed and dragging me off with him.
"You guys are fools!" She scolded again.
"Whoa babe calm down, what did we do?" I said. I've never seen her this mean.
"Hanina you're married! And Yasir is coming inside your room? Are u guys ok? What will Ayman think, what will anybody apart from us think. And not to talk of the sins you get from Allah!" She sucked in a huge amount of air after finishing her little speech.
"Is anything wrong with that? I mean we were just talking" Yasir defended.
We walked out of the room, Zury trailing right behind us.
"Yasir leave us!" She demanded.
He nods and walks off.
"Don't say I'm harsh or anything, but Yasir going inside your room needs to stop" she said turning me to face her.
Her hair was covering half of her face.
"Ok, but Allah we were just talking and Yasir is like my brother, so" I shrugged not finding any fault in him coming to my room.
"A brother who likes you and you like him back, enough to actually consider dating him?" She asked giving me a dead panned look.
My stomach dropped as I fidgeted with my hands.
"Uhm, Yasir likes me?" I asked.
Zury rolled her eyes and face palms her self
"Well you two are obviously the last two to find out"
Inside, my subconscious is doing several backflips.. Could it be true? does Yasir have feelings for me too? The way I do him?
The questions were endless but I focused my attention back at Zurie, she was giving me the weird eye.
"Pfft! Haha, Having feelings for each other? That's quite normal. He's my bestie. I like him as a brother, as a mentor-"
Zurie cuts me off
"Keep the blabber for another time, you like him. A piece of advice, stop!"
She glared at me then leaves, skipping the stairs two at a time.

"Hey how about every Saturday we hang out over here and watch a movie or something" I suggested.
We were in the Big screening room where Mufti was staring at the huge LED TV on the wall and Maha is in dreamland with the vibrating couch.
"We can't, we'll be leaving for school next week remember?" Maha murmured.
Oh yes Mufti and her were finally leaving for college which is is Cyprus.
"Aww mehn!" I poured.
"Don't worry I'll always be here" Yasir comes behind me and wraps a hand around my shoulder.
I looked up and gazed at him, he had the perfect long nose and the perfect caramel-brown eyes.
A mustache was starting to grow on his beautiful fair face.
"Yeah always" I whispered getting lost in his dreamy looking eyes.
"Maha, Mufti,Yasir! Let's leave" Manal shouted from my new library.
"Urge what's wrong with her and Zury? They have been shouting all day" Mufti said putting away the remote and standing.
"Ikr !" Maha butted in standing up from the couch.
"Maybe their PMSing or something" Yasir shrugged as we pulled the sliding door and arrived at the kitchen.
"Or their pregnant" I said.
We arrived at the library which was beautifully decorated with red couches and black unique shelves.
Different set of books were stacked- educational, fiction all of them.
"Bye" I said the last good bye to Maha.
They were all in the car ready to leave.
"Hanina before I forget, take your books. We are to submit the math homework first thing in the morning" Yasir said coming out of the drivers side and getting me my books.
They were all inside a black duffel bag.
"Uhh thank you" I hugged "I don't know what I'll do without you"
Yasir nods and ruffles my hair then entered the car and they leave.
Back to square zero: Alone and bored.
Well at least you have Math homework to do my inner self said.
Urgh yes, time to meet my worstest enemy.
AN: thoughts?
Btw I know worstest isn't a word, but in Hanina's dictionary, it is.

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