Chapter thirty- Part two

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The twins ❤😍😍👆👆

Hanina's POV

We walked hand in hand into the hospital. Unlike yesterday when I was crazy and scared today I was calm and excited.

Ayman walked beside me confidently, sexy-ness oozing out of his body. He was wearing casual black t shirt and black pencil jeans with a cap shielding his face from the sun.

His hands fitted mine like it was made just for me, I smiled and continued walking towards Zury's room.

"So do you think the presents I got her and the babies are ok?" Ayman asked scratching his beard. He needs to shave, I jotted that at the back of my head.

"Of course yes" I nodded "it was so nice of you. I didn't even get her anything"

"Weirdo" he stuck his tongue.

"Yeah I'm cool like that" I raised my eyebrows and brushed away non-existing dust on my shoulder.

We opened the knob at the same time and entered Zury's room.

I squealed and went over to her, gently but clumsily hugging the crap out of her.

Now i really know the meaning of the saying 'you don't know how something means to you until its gone'

Yesterday when zury was in the theatre different thoughts crossed my mind. That was when i knew zury meant alot to me.

Sure we fight and argue and sometimes I feel like disowning her as my sister but still she's the best sister anyone could ask for.

"Mama Zury I missed you so much. Alhamdulilah you're OK now" I broke the hug and kissed her forehead.

"Anty Hanina kenan" she laughed. She had grown huge but she still looked pretty. Weird.

A drip was inserted in her arm and a tray of food was placed on her lap.

"Now where are my two munchkins?" I grinned going over to the baby crib.

Ayman was already hovering over it.

"Hey man" I whispered looking over to him then the babies.

They took my breath away. Mommy and daddy's bundle of joy. Love at first sight. This is what I call this.

They looked so much alike, I don't think I can differentiate them.

"Don't you want to pick them?" I asked Ayman.

"Don't know how to pick babies" he shrugged chuckling.

I chuckled before picking the one in pink and handing it over to him.

"Keh hanina baha ka bane (its not like that) you'll go and break the babies neck" Zury scolded from her bed.

"How do I do it then?"

"I can't stand up so I don't know how we're gonna do this" she muttered.

As if on cue maha walked into the room with a tray of food in her hand.

"Ahh thank god. Maha help me with this children. They both don't know how to carry babies" Zury said motioning her hands towards us.

Maha kept the things in her hand on the floor then came over and adjusted the baby on Ayman's arms.

"I'd love to see you guys as parents" maha toppled over laughing.

"Haha yayyy keep making fun of us" I chuckled dryly.

"Zury what's the name of the baby I'm holding?" Ayman asked rocking the baby back and forth.

"Her name is Khadija. She's named after Khalid's mom. But we'll be calling her Alisha" she answered smiling.

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