2| The Talented & The Petty

223 15 14

Torii -

Smiling as I looked back and forth between my sister and the audience we were performing in front of, I nodded my approval as she adlibbed to the beat our friends were playing for us. Contrary to what some believed, this was a rare thing. She was extremely shy, always catching stage fright at the last minute if she had to do something on her own. And me, well I've never had a reason to perform for anyone outside of family.

However, for what my sister and I have coming up, we can't rely solely on how our parents feel. After all, they're supposed to support and egg you on when you've got a dream. We needed the practice, and we needed unbiased opinions. If that meant performing in front of a student body full of teens that did not like us, and teachers who got tired of seeing us daily, then so be it. After doing the little steps we prepared, she nodded and we began singing the chorus. I would lead this time around.

"Don't you know I love you? I wish that you could love me, too. Don't you know I miss you? I wish that you could miss me, too."

I stepped forward, smiling as I sang. "It's been two days, Baby, since I've heard from you. Don't know where you are, and I have no clue what to do. I have this funny feeling, Baby, that you're playing a ga-aa-ame. Something tells me that you really don't... feel the same." Before long, they were clapping, dancing in their seats to the beat. "My sister says that you're no good for me."

"He ain't."

"She saaaays..."

"Girl, he don't really love you."

"But I don't listen to a word she says to me. Don't you know..."

"Don't you know I love you?"

"I love you, Boy."

"I wish that you could love me, too. Don't you know I miss you? I wish that you could miss me, too."

Troy, my sister, stepped closer and we did our little dance break before she started in on the second verse. As she told me she would, she singled out the one boy she'd been crushing on since her freshman year, probably happy that he was sitting in the front row. In spite of his girlfriend, and the one girl who hates us most, sitting right next to him, she slipped into her comfort zone, singing to him.

"They say that good things come to those who wait. I'm gonna wait 'til you see you wanna be with me. Just put a little trust in me, Boy, and then you'll see... that I'm the type of girl who can love you all over, easily. So easily. My sister says that you're no good for me, yeah, yeah."

"Sure ain't."

"She saaaays..."

"He don't really love you."

"But I don't ever listen to a word she says to me. 'Cause I..."

"Don't you know I love you? I wish that you could love me too. Don't you know I miss you? I wish that you could miss me too."

We continued singing the chorus for a few more seconds before we took our bows and our friends, member of our high school's band stopped playing.

Running off stage after our principal said our names again, thanking us for our time and talent, the first people we were greeted by were our parents. I hadn't even seen them get out of their seats, but this was to be expected.

Naturally, Troy ran for our daddy and I ran straight into our stepmother's arms. "Proud of you girls! But can I just say that I'm so happy you decided not to perform Let's Talk About Sex."

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