6| The Lucky & Unlucky Ones

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Troy -

Our Monday started off like any other day; the only difference was that I was walking in the building by myself. I'd managed to make it through my first few classes in peace, but naturally Tiphany and her crew had to make their presence in my life, as the thorns in my side, known every chance they got.

She called herself using her free hour to sit in the music room, to keep an eye on me, but I ignored her just as much as I would any other day. I tried to anyway.

"So much for being a big superstar. Tuh, if I'd gotten some type of deal, I sure wouldn't have come back." She paused and I rolled my eyes. "Oh, no, I forgot you're talentless, so naturally you weren't offered a spot."

"For your information, Glenda The Balding Witch, the group members won't be announced until today. If you don't mind, I'm trying to work on my assignment." I was already finished. We had to write two songs, and I'd finished that before Ms. Delores announced that we could use the rest of the class period to work in silence."

"I don't know what you have your hopes up for. You certainly won't be chosen."

I looked at her and smirked. "And that will be perfectly fine. That'll give me more time to get close to Roman before my next audition or contest comes up." She clenched her jaw, looking like she wanted to say something.

However, the door opened and Mr. Brighton, the school's janitor, rolled in with one of the few TV sets on campus and plugged it up. Ms. Delores cleared her throat, asking what had been on the tip of all of our tongues. "What's this for?"

"Principal got a call bright and early this morning. Something about some major news regarding someone in the school. He insisted that I drag the TV in before he makes an announcement of his own." She nodded and Mr. Brighton turned the TV on, tuning it to the channel that featured our local news. It was the afternoon news.

"And back to Oliver Kinkaid with music in today's ever changing pop culture, media, and entertainment. Oliver, what have you got for us."

The entertainment anchor, one of the driest news anchors I've ever seen on TV flashed his golden boy smile and looked directly in the camera. "Today is January 23rd, and Sophia, we've got wonderful news coming all the way from California in regards to some of Tennessee's very own, our youth. The talk around the industry is that Chauncey Howard has been working hard to create what he feels could be two of the next major groups to come out within the next few months to a year."

I sat up in my seat, biting down a little on my bottom lip. "I've received word that not only have three individuals from Tennessee been chosen, two are from right here in Mount Pleasant." Involuntarily, I shrieked. I apologized before leaning forward in my seat, making sure I hear correctly. "While neither groups names have been revealed yet, each group is set to have four active members; both featuring three singers and one rapper. For the male group, hailing from Memphis, Tariq Knight was chosen, along with Raymond Jones from right here in Mount Pleasant."

One of my classmates whooped loudly, announcing that the guy named Raymond was his cousin. I sighed, sitting back in my seat as I folded my arms. "The other two members chosen were Desmond Smith from Brooklyn, New York and Greg Lane from Houston, Texas. Congrats to them all, but an even bigger congrats to the two young men from our own state. Next, for the girl group; those chosen to fill the four available spots were Dior Thomas from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Brittany Hale from New Orleans, Louisiana and Jayla Henson from Phoenix, Arizona." My heart sank to the very bottom of my chest and I put my head down, needing to hear no more. "The group member hailing from our little town of Mount Pleasant-"

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