50| Creepin' On A Comeback

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Leann -

I sat quietly, doing the only thing I really could do after coming out of my previous situation. Thank God.

Here I was, a recovering addict, far from dependable, far from trust worthy, and here were people I admire giving me second chances that I didn't even deserve. Trina, Rah Digga, and Mia X were looking to work with me, to help me get myself and my name back out there since there was still no word on what was going on with my own group.

On one hand, I didn't want to go further than I had when I'd worked with Mystikal, but what hadn't I done in my private life that hasn't already tainted and tarnished that wholesome image they tried to cultivate around me and the girls?

The chance to work with Trina while she's about to blow after coming off the hype of her and Trick Daddy's song Nahn Nigga. The chance to work with Dirty Harriet herself, Rah Digga, and pick up whatever Busta Ryhmes has taught her. Ohhh, and you think I'm going to work with Mystikal and not work with the hometown heroine Mama Mia?

We all sat in a small studio, comfortable, talking and vibing to see what we could pick up. Trina didn't mind working with all of us together, but naturally they all wanted separate projects with me, and for that I was thankful. That would be more, much needed money in my pocket.

As I nodded my head and danced a little to the song Trina wanted me to hop on a remix of, I asked the question that had been on the tip of my tongue since we'd all taken our seats and began to put in work. "What is it that you want from me? What are you expecting for me, coming on to your song?"

Trina smiled, turning the volume down a little as it got to the verse of the female rapper she's including on the album version. "Well, I definitely don't want to take you out of whatever your element is. I also don't want you to rap about something that you're not comfortable with. So, with that being said, if you want to come on the track and keep it all the way real, and rap about another bitch who ain't shit, that's cool with me. The song will still be called Ain't Shit, you're just taking it back a little bit to the Dre and Snoop song I sampled. You wanna be dirty, get a little grimy with your words, do that. You wanna keep it cute, tame it down in comparison to mine, that's cool too. Only thing I ask is that you absolutely bring it. I heard your track with Mystikal, and once I got serious about this whole rap thing, I said I need to surround myself with the type of hunger that y'all brought. What you gave him, I want that... but double it."

"It won't be a problem with me rapping to a female though? I mean, after I came out publicly, it was still advised that I sing to a male... 'cause, you know, my groupmates aren't lesbians."

"I mean, who am I to tell another female how to bring the heat she has? And who am I to tell you not to be true to yourself. This ain't your group, and far from that goody goody image. So be my guest, do what makes you comfortable. If we come out this bitch going tit for tat, straight dogging these niggas and bitches, that's just what it's gon' be. That shit gon' be hot regardless. And I'm claiming that."

And she meant just that.

We cut my vocals in just under an hour, and when she brought Trick Daddy in to play it back for him, I was just as surprised as he was. I watched him intently though, noticing how he closed his eyes while he listened. Every so often he would grunt, or make some type of sound. I didn't know if he approved, or if it was something he hadn't expected... but it was calming to me to get some type of reaction.

He stopped playback, turning in his chair before he cleared his throat, puffing on the cigar he'd been nursing as he listened. "So what you thinkin', Trick? I was right, wasn't I?"

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