46| The Low-Profile And The Lonely

71 10 14

Torii –

I yawned and plopped down on the couch next to Daddy, beyond excited to have him visiting. Though I knew and understood why my sister chose to go back to Tennessee to hide out for a while, I had to admit that I felt a little jealous that she had Daddy, Crystal, and the twins to herself more often than I did.

I'd just finished giving him a tour of mine and Raymond's new home, and now we were finally getting a real chance to catch up for longer than a few minutes.

"I am definitely in love with this house, and all the space that you two have. Shoot, as much as y'all work, I'm surprised that this is as big as you two went. You surprised me with that tiny apartment, so I was expecting you to splurge on your first home."

I laughed, shaking my head. "I thought I would too, but sometimes a whole lot isn't necessary. What would he and I do with a real mansion, besides get lost?" He shrugged. "I think this is perfect. Even though we're still young, and still 'fresh' in the business, we've seen so many people with the money ball out excessively. We wanted a nice home, something simple, but spacious enough for us to work with for a couple of years. You know, we don't want to outgrow it before we actually get to fix things the way we want and enjoy it. I think five bedrooms is good. The garage being a two-car garage was important, because Raj is petty. He'll beat me home just to park in the garage and leave my pretty jeep sitting in the street." Daddy laughed, shaking his head. "We've got a mini-studio. Which, he really just converted the basement and gave me the den to use as a writing area."

"All of the wonderful music you two will come up with. I'm excited just thinking about it."

I smiled, shaking my head. "Nah, he'll be the main one using the studio when he gets in his producer mode and can't or doesn't feel like driving all the way out to LA just to mess around with some tracks. I, on the other hand, will continue selling my songs and collecting checks from all of my top ten and top five hits."

"Ha, that's my baby. I'm so proud of you. What about this area though? It's nice, but do you like being so secluded and away from everything?"

I nodded. "Why not be secluded or low-profile, as I like to call my current situation. I like that we're sort of in the middle of nowhere, but still close enough to different things and places. Well, no, I won't even say we're secluded, it just won't be easy for people that don't know us to find us. Privacy is going to be such a big thing for me, especially if things work in our favor soon."

"You two starting your own Jr. Band?"

I smirked. "I don't know about it being a full band, but yeah, we've been working at it. I'm thinking two kids to start with, and they'll have their own space when they're old enough. And then the other rooms can just be guest rooms when you guys visit, or his family, you know. Simple."

Feeling him throw his arm over my shoulder, I smiled and moved closer to my daddy, resting my head on his shoulder the way I would just a few years ago. Anytime I felt bad, anytime I was sad or confused about things going on in my life. I missed these moments, missed having the time to go to him; whether I needed help, or simply just wanted to be around him. "All that you and your sister have accomplished, in such a short amount of time; it amazes me. It brings me so much joy to see that you two have followed your dreams, and that you've become successful. That you've allowed yourselves to enjoy the fruits of your labor, but you've done so responsibly. That you've remained who you were before all of this. Though I've always trusted your judgement, it was a big fear that I would lose my babies. Your mother, she wanted it badly too. And she used to say that it takes strong minded individuals, those rooted with strong values and morals, a strong sense of themselves. She didn't know it, but she was raising the both of you to be those strong individuals. I'd like to think I did my best picking up where she left off." I smiled. "Trina, she'd be so proud of you and your sister."

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