11| Second Chances

98 12 7

Ava -

I was lying in bed, watching some random Telemundo soap opera, imagining myself as one of the beautiful actresses. In character, professing my undying love for a man that's repeatedly stepped out with my whorish cousin named Rosalita and her best friend Carmena. If singing didn't work out for me, I knew for sure I could end up on one of these crazy soaps, hamming it up for an audience of old aunts and grandmothers, tuning in week after week to see who's really the father; Pablo or Enrique.

As much as I sat at home watching them now, I could pretty much write my own off the wall episodes when I wasn't writing songs. It was how I passed time while waiting for Sean to come home from work in the afternoons once I finished with school for the day.

I just happened to look at the clock on the wall and see that it was six-thirty. As if on cue, I heard the front door close and a few minutes later, Sean walked into our bedroom. Only, this time there was no huge smile on his face and his arms weren't wide open for me to jump into and hug him tightly.

Still, I smiled, hoping that he wasn't in too bad of a mood.

"Hey Baby, glad you're home. I cooked dinner and-"

"I'm not hungry."

He walked into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him. I sighed, wondering what to do. The easy thing would have been to ask him what was wrong and hope that he was in the mood to talk; but that could take one of two turns. He could come out calmly, or he could walk around yelling about whatever was bothering him, like he did most days.

I just sat quietly and patiently, waiting until he decided that he was ready to come out and talk. A good twenty minutes or so passed, and I was wrapped up in my soap opera again, mentally telling myself what I would have written in the script if it were my show. Only when I felt him rubbing my back did I realize that Sean had come out of the bathroom in his robe. He'd taken off his work uniform, showered no doubt and smelled like Ivory soap. "Didn't mean to ignore you like that."

I gave a warm smile. "Well, at least you didn't get close to me smelling like all of that oil and gasoline. I don't see how you stand in that plant all day, breathing that stuff in. I'd be sick constantly."

He shook his head. "I know you hate the smell, and I won't have to worry about that for a while."

"What do you mean?"

He let out a heavy sigh, speaking almost as if he were embarrassed. "They let a couple of us go. More than a couple, actually, but I was in the bunch that got the pink slip. Been working that job for two years. Always on time, stayed late when needed, never complained. Never got into it with anyone, well-liked by all of the bosses, but none of that meant anything."

I sat up and wrapped my arms around him, kissing his cheek. "I'm sorry Sean. I'm sure there's something else though, maybe something better will come along."

"I don't doubt that Ava, but it's not like I can sit back and relax until it does happen. I've got bills, I've got you to take care of. And then, what you told me the other night."

I shook my head. "I went to the doctor this morning before school, the only appointment I could get so soon."


"I'm not pregnant, so that's not something that we have to worry about." He nodded, and though I know he'll probably object, I made my next suggestion anyway. "I can help out too, just like I've been trying to do for the longest now. I wish you'd let me. Might not be as much as you were making, but it could be something. And don't bring up those values and old fashioned things you believe in either." He looked at me. "I'm perfectly capable of working, and willing to do so if it means that we're able to get by."

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