55| Win Some, Lose More

72 11 11

December 2000 :

Troy –

I wasn't feeling my best, but with Marliss, Brandy, and my sister by my side, checking on me every so often, it made it a lot easier for me to stay focused. They made it a point to keep me engaged and alert, to save me from looking as if I were high or drunk. Even with it well known that I was on a series of medications, Tabloids loved to scream 'prescription addict' and so many other things if you even looked spaced out at events where attentiveness was key.

We all stepped on to the red carpet, looking and smiling in the varying directions that we heard our names from photographers we loved and others we'd grown to hate over the years. "Troy, Tariq, this way!" He and I both looked to my right and gave big smiles. Every so often, when I would feel myself about to fall back, he'd gently place his arm around my waist and hold on to me, pushing forward slightly so no one else would see me stumble back. It worked, but more than anything I was ready to sit down and rest.

The upside was that my face wasn't swollen, my back didn't hurt, and my skin wasn't oversensitive to being touched, the different types of lights and other sensations. The downside, my legs were constantly feeling like they were going to give out at any given moment. And, of course, it only began to happen just as we'd pulled up to where they were hosting this year's Billboard Music Awards.

Placing my hand at my hip, to give a slightly different pose, I smiled. Marliss leaned towards me, whispering as he spoke. "Are you sure you don't want to go back to the hotel? We've already talked about your sister accepting on your behalf if you win anything, and you know everyone would understand."

I nodded, continuing to smile as I answered him. "I promise, I'm okay. Once I sit down, and stay seated like we agreed on, I will be fine. If I start to feel worse or it becomes too much, I will let you drag me out of here."


"Yes, Baby."

He gave me a kiss on the cheek, causing me to laugh and shake my head as the photographers went crazy, calling our names while asking us to display a little more affection. Typically, that wasn't our thing. Not publicly, but I didn't mind because his presence and attitude brought a bit of the comfort I'd need to stay calm and at ease.

Eventually we made our way inside and to our seats. Thankfully, we were sitting closer to the stage than we had in previous years we'd attended. Those walks; to present, accept, or otherwise were long and strenuous and I wasn't for it in any form this time around.

Looking down the row to my left, I leaned forward a little and called out to my sister. "She hasn't walked in yet?"

She shook her head, leaning back for a second to show me that Leann's seat was still empty. "And I highly doubt Brandy has gone to find her. Ava's here though. They've got her sitting next to Mr. Santana since she's nominated with him for their duet." I nodded, knowing that was half of the reason.

They'd also gotten wind of a fight between both her and Leann, and rather than take a chance of causing more problems, they opted ahead of time to have us seated in separate sections. Naturally, we assumed that meant Leann would be seated elsewhere too, since she seemed to have a problem with all of us lately, but I didn't mind her being around either. As long as she didn't tap on my nerves.

Excusing herself as she stepped past me and Marliss, Brandy apologized. I looked at her, every bit of confused. "What are you sorry for?"

"I thought I stepped on your foot or mashed your legs or something." I smiled, pointing out that I was turned to the side with my knees touching the side of Marliss' legs. She let out a sigh of relief and took her seat next to Torii. "Child, ever since that day in rehearsal, I've been on edge about making that mistake again."

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