7| Old Annoyances & First Impressions

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Torii -

Stumbling into the kitchen as I stretched, I was a bit surprised to turn the corner and only find Crystal sitting at the table. Even with us all being super busy during the week, looking for the first chance to sleep in on Saturday mornings, we all got up early.

"Morning. Where's Daddy and Troy?"

Crystal looked up and smiled, chewing her last piece of bagel before she spoke. "They had their flight really late last night. Troy was going to wake you up to say goodbye, but your father insisted that she let you rest." I nodded, quickly remembering what was going on. I grabbed a muffin from the tray she had sitting on the counter and sat down, picking at it for a few seconds before I finally started eating. "And how are you feeling?"

I looked at her, a bit confused by the worried look that replaced her usual smile and cheerful demeanor. "I'm okay. Irritated that I have Saturday Detention today, but it's whatever."

"I meant, how are you feeling about the final decision that was made regarding the audition and this whole girl group thing? I kind of got the sense that you didn't want to make your sister feel bad, but it's just you and I now, and you can get whatever you're feeling off of your chest."

I cleared my throat, nodding.

Naturally, I was sad and disappointed; who wouldn't be? I was hurt and upset, and slightly jealous... but not of my sister. Troy earned her spot and I'd never be so mad or bitter that I'd rob her of feeling happy and proud of herself. For a few hours after all of our family left on Monday, I'd locked myself in my room and mentally went over all that I'd done, wondering what the other girls could have had and given that I didn't. Where had I messed up, what had I done wrong or forgotten?

My thought has been, since Monday, why wasn't I good enough or better than the other girls that were chosen. With Troy, it's never a competition; one of us gets it, we're both happy. Neither of us get it; we try something else. "I do wish it was the both of us. That is what we were counting on."


I shrugged. "I just feel as though, if I couldn't get chosen alongside her, maybe I'm not as good as we all thought. Then I pushed that thought away and figured that maybe the other girls had more to offer. I wish I knew what, and I'm a little jealous that they'll have that spotlight, but it just wasn't meant to be for me. I'll get over it eventually."

"And you're really okay with your sister being a part of this?"

I smiled and nodded. "Of course. And if she ever tells you or Daddy that she'll leave it behind just to make me feel better, I'll shake some sense into her and pay for her ticket back to California myself."

Crystal smiled. "That's one thing I admire about the both of you. You've gone against one another a lot over the years, sometimes you win and sometimes she wins, but you two never let it get in the way of your relationship."

"Why should we let simple things get in between us?" I've personally never understood the whole sibling rivalry thing, whether playful or serious. It's kind of pointless to have beef with someone you have to see for the majority of your life. "When trophies break, people stop talking about us and what we can do, and every other unimportant thing disappears; we've only got one another left. We're sisters, barely a year a part in age. We have to live together until we're grown, we go to school together, share a bed when one or the other is afraid of a huge storm..." I shrugged, taking a deep breath. "Nothing will ever be so serious or deep that I let it tear a bond with the one best friend I know I'll have for the rest of my life. I'm sad for myself, but I will always be happy for my sister."

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