Hot, Hot, Oh Hot Chocolate!

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After what happened to Fizz and I in the hall the principal, who didn't know until later that day, decided to announce to the whole school what happened through the intercom. Whenever I tried to ignore the situation people kept trying to talk to me. I didn't want them too. Not only was I trying to move pass the situation, but I wasn't about to listen to someone talk to me about getting passed it, and that he's in a better place, and BLAH BLAH BLAH. I didn't need to hear that shit from someone who probably didn't even like him, and talked the most shit about him. I was miserable but I wasn't dumb. I'm not gonna start listening to people that just three days ago didn't give a fuck about me. Matter a fact most of the people at that school hated on me.

The door in my room opened when Chris appeared.

"Oh I thought you were sleeping"

I shook my head, "Nope"

"Kim," he started

I knew he was gonna apologize about what he said the other day. He placed the cup on my night stand then sat down.

"I just wanna say sorry for what I said to you the other day. I was mad at you and I just said things I didn't mean"

I nodded

"You don't know how guilty I felt after that, and then the police came..." He sighed, "I'm sorry"

I wonder if he would've apologized if Geo hadn't passed away. I wanted to ask him, but I didn't wanna make things awkward for him and I.

"It's fine" I finally said.

"You ain't mad at me?"

I shook my head. He smiled pulling me in for a hug.

"You know I love you right?" I nodded

He kissed my forehead then stood up.

"We're decorating the house for Christmas. You comin' down?"

"No, imma stay up here"

"Okay... well I got you some hot chocolate. Feel better"

I nodded

He closed the door and I rolled my eyes throwing one of my stuffed animals towards the door.

What the fuck was his purpose of apologizing? I know he meant everything he said to me two days ago.

... Then again, this is Chris. He says one thing, then says he doesn't mean it, then another incident happens and he'll just bring all of that stuff he supposedly didn't mean to say back up. Just like the others. The stuff I said I meant and I don't regret saying it. That's why I didn't apologize.

I'm not gonna be mean to any of them since life's worth more then getting mad over things, but that doesn't mean imma forget what they said to me.

Like Fabolous said,

Always forgive, but never forget


"Mama lemme put the angel up!" Xavier exclaimed

I lifted him up and he put it on the tree.

"Now we're done!!" I said in relief

"We did a good job" He said looking at Royalty, Chris, and I. Tyla was asleep on the couch.

"Yeah g--"

Royalty was cut off by the door bell ringing. I wasn't expecting any visitors so I didn't know who it could be. I took a peek at the door hole and seen DK with a few others. I opened the door and DK greeted me with a hug and kiss on the cheek.

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