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I went up this rope singing in my head. I was scared for my life. One of the stunts of my performance is to attach this rope on to me and fly up in the air. I'm not good with heights so this whole time I was on it. I was looking up.

"Okay Ricky is gonna press the button that will bring you down right in the middle of the aisle. After, Ari it's up to you to hop off"

I nodded as the music played taking the rope I tied around my wrist off. I hopped down standing in the aisle.

"Jimmy... what if there's people standing around here? Like what if it's crowded?"

He shook his head, "No that can't, nor shouldn't happen. But just in case it does, and the audience doesn't clear out. I'll make Ricky swing up back to stage" I nodded, "thanks"

"You wanna try this out one more time" I shook my head

"C'mon practice makes perfect. Just get away from the fear" He said walking up the stage.

"Easy for you to say" I mumbled

The background dancers laughed.

"Look at the bright side. If you fall on your ass thousands of people will be there to laugh at you" Wilma, one of my annoying ass dancers said

"Stop lay off her. You'll do great" Antoine said

"Okay, let's redo this!"

I walked on the stage and we did the dance, Antoine attached me to the rope and that's when I went all the way up.


I was sitting on the chair. My high was there but it was wearing off. I was fully dressed for this concert. I sat at the table quietly as a few people were talking. This man walked over to me shaking my hand giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hello, I'm Kyrie Irving, and I'm honored to meet you"

"Thank you for coming. You play for Cleveland right?"

He nodded, "yea"

"I've been watching you." He and I laughed, "Thank you"

It was so awkward discussing with people. They act so weird around me.

"Well thank you for saying hi"

"No problem, I'm gonna go take a seat" I nodded

I took a deep breath trying to clear my mind. I was aware of almost everything but I was still in a daze.

After looking at nothing for a whole 10 minutes I grabbed my phone laying my head on the table.

I rang his number waiting patiently. I sat up straight.

"Hello" He said

"Hey" I said through the line

"Ain't you performin' " I nodded as if he could see me. I closed my eyes whispering into the line.

"I'm high."

"You serious?" He laughed

I nodded

"No" I said laughing

"Kim" He chuckled

"Yoo ass fried" I nodded, "you're right" I laughed even more

"Why do you get high before something this important"

"That's because if I'm not then I'm going to go into a nervous breakdown. I'll site my self out of the performance and you know what that means. Arielle doesn't perform. Everyone will be mad. And I mean everybody. No one really asks me if I can perform. They just say yes and book it. Now Geo what were you doing?"

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