the significant others

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Don't mean to.



"So you consider yourself a mainstream artist?"

"I don't know. I consider myself a person. But it's up to the people on what they consider me as. I hear my music around a lot..." She sent a smile, "but I only think it plays cause I'm there."

Her voice was mellow as she sat there on the camera set. She had a relaxing voice. It could put a baby to sleep with it.

"Your songs. You have tons of them. Is there one song that you consider a favorite?"

Her eyes wandered up but rarely did it look straight at the camera.

"Um, I don't. I don't think an 'artist' " She said putting air quotes over the word, "should have a favorite song. It gives you the mentality to try to make your songs like that or even better" She paused

"Well... it could be a good thing if that's what your looking for in your make it better as time progress. But--"

"Is that what your trying to achieve as an artist? To make your songs better than the others?"

She shrugged, "sorta... sorta not. I usually call my songs my friends and I never put into consideration that the next song should be better then the previous one only--"

"Shouldn't you want to tho?"

"I mean if you had a friend would you try to look for a friend that's better then them?"

"Maybe" the interviewer said

"I'll give a better example... your mom, would you try to find another mom that's better then that one?"

The camera switched angles and showed the interviewer more.

"No. But with friends I try to find new friends that are different, better, friends that interest me."

"Yes exactly. I like to make my songs different from the one before. I try to make some better, and interesting. "

"Ahh!" The man said catching on

"I want it to be relatable... maybe even sad... or the turn up song.. just something that's worth listening to, or worth making a playlist for where each one has a different category that it's being put in. You know?"

"Yeah. Sense were talking about your songs let's talk about sex with me." He laughed making Kim force a smile that looked believable on her face..maybe it was real..

I don't know it made me cringe.

"that song served lots of controversy because of your age and how young you are.. how did it come about?"

She nodded, "it did serve a lot of controversy. But I was not surprised by it. I mean it didn't take an idiot to see the title and already know what it was about" She said

MY WAYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora