I gotta make that change.

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Kimberly Alsina spotted partying last night with Chris Brown. There was drinking, smoking and anything else you could think of that a Sixteen year old shouldn't be surrounded by. Reports say she was drunk, and high off drugs. Messy! Messy!

Kimberly A.

"Thanks so much!" The lady exclaimed taking the box

"How much more do we have left?" I asked Debby

"About 100" I nodded fixing my glasses and smiling at everyone

"The next truck is coming so everything will be alright" I nodded giving the next person in line a box

We were out in the street handing people boxes with a surprise inside it. I really didn't expect a lot of people to come but they did so I mean that's alright. Just wanted to give back to the people of California.

"I love your music Arielle"

"Thanks " She took the box and I sent a smile

The sun was burning me up. I swear I was seconds from passing out.

"Hea' ya go"

"Thank you" The guy said but he still stood.

"Can you sign it?" He asked

"Yea of course."

I grabbed a sharpie and quickly wrote my name down.

"Thanks, you have such a warm heart. Are you sure you're an Alsina?"

I frowned, "Alsina's have warm heart"

"My girlfriend, now wife, and I went to your dad's show a long time ago and we paid a lot of money for the tickets including the meet and greet passes. He cancelled the show and didnt even apologize to his fans. My wife and I were so upset because we never even got a refund."

"Wow really? Where was this?" I asked handing other people boxes and sending smiles while talking to this man

"It was a show in San Diego. You were probably 7"

"That's sad. I don't know what to tell you"

"It's alright I don't want you to feel bad. You're such a wonderful girl, I got over it. My wife and I love your music, like your earlier music we can actually feel your emotions it's weird I don't know how to describe it ♡"

I smiled, "Thank you"

He was about to walk off when I called him back.

"Hey sir," I yelled

"Yea?" He asked

"How bout your wife and you come to one of my shows?"

"We'd love too, but we don't have enough money. Sorry."

"No, no its okay, my treat. Go over there and talk to the girl with the red hair. Tell her Kim sent you"

"Dorothy" I shouted she lifted her head up and I winked. I knew she understood what that meant. The man walked over and I continued to pass boxes.

I'm not surprise my dad did something like that. He did that to a handful of shows. I remembered. People kept complaining to my mama and Nisha like it was their fault. I felt so bad.

I seen a boy and his dad I believe walk up and I handed the father the regular box and then bent down grabbing a different box for the boy.

"Thanks" They both said

"No, thank you for waiting in that long line." I said

They smiled, "if it's for you we'll wait a whole day. My son has a crush on you"

MY WAYΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα