I Love Him

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I love you.

The voice was so light but I knew it was Geo.

"I love you too" I said

His body appeared. It was popping out the fire. His laugh was evil and he didn't even look like Geo anymore.

"Kimberly!" He yelled, "YOU DID THIS TO ME!"

My eyes opened. I was under the blankets sweating bullets. Geo is gone. I kept hammering that through my head. I was still in disbelief but I had to get that through my mind.

Today was the day the whole high school was gonna be in the auditorium. The principal was gonna talk to us all. Rumor says they're doing a tribute to Geo.

I kept my eyes wide open under the blankets. Unfortunately, that's how I stayed the whole night with tears constantly streaming  down my face. Once, my phone's alarm went off I grabbed it and shut it off. I got out the bed and got ready for school. I rubbed my dry eyes,  then went into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror seeing the dry tear stains I had. I sighed taking my retainers off and brushing my teeth. I rinsed my face then dried it looking in the mirror. I could see Geo but I knew I was hallucinating. I ignored it getting in the shower.


I walked into class and I seen Trinity. We both made eye contact but I looked away.

"Okay we're all here."

The guidance teacher closed the door then sighed.

"I know all of us aren't having a great week and I know it must be difficult with the loss of a student that use to go here"

I stared straight ahead at the board cause I knew Ms. Claire was gonna specifically make eye contact during her speech. There were people crying but I knew judging by the looks of people that stared at me I knew I looked terrible. Bags under my eyes, no mascara on me, my outfits were always all black now, and my necklace was always out and opened. I never had the energy to participate in class, and I had no energy to speak with anyone. I was just that child sitting in the back that was on mute.

"Attention students, please report down to the auditorium. Students please report down to the auditorium"

The whole class stood up and began exiting the class. I stood up last just to have Ms. Claire stop me.

"Kim, if you ever wanna talk about it I'm all ears"

I nodded exiting the class. The hallways were filled with people. Everyone was headed to one destination and that was the auditorium. I went inside and sat down. I was basically sitting in the middle part of the auditorium meaning if I had to step out which I knew I was then I'd have to stand up where everyone in the upper part could see me. I really wish I sat at the ends.

"Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. I'm sure most of you know why I gathered you all in here. But for those of you who don't it's  because of the loss of our dear friend Geo Parks"

His picture was put up on the big projector screen with his birth date and his death date. I was already staring to get emotional. I prevented myself from looking at pictures of him cause I knew it would only hurt me more. But of course the school has to.

"He was a very pleasant child to work with and we are very sadden by his loss. I've known Geo since he was a freshman... actually I think him and Fizz were the very first students that were sent to my office."

People laughed but I sat there silently.

"See, Geo grew each year. Yes in height but also his mentality. He started off as a student that didn't care about what came out of his mouth to a student that was able to learn from his mistakes and actually tell me he was wrong for doing what he did, and that's what I liked about him"

The principal sighed, "He will be missed"

I couldn't take it anymore I stood up and tried making my way through.

"Excuse me" I said passing through people. Once I finally got out the row I went down the steps and busted out the doors. It made that loud clicky sound so I knew people saw me.

I was able to get out and make my way to the bathroom. As soon as I did I cried. I was loud but I was alone, so I didn't care. My heart was broken. I haven't felt this hurt since my daddy left my mama. Being this way just struck to much memories in my head, memories I didn't even know I had. I had flashbacks from my mama crying, then I had flashbacks from Geo and I. I could feel my breathing starting to become uneven. I inhaled and exhaled trying to catch my breath.

I was cut off with my daddy being slammed to the window.

"Why is uncle Deeks doing that to daddy?" I asked with fear in my eyes

Antie ChaCha lifted me up putting me to her side and walking into the living room. I began crying.

"Arielle you needa' stop crying." Chacha ordered but I ignored her crying even more

I remembered the night that traumatized me for life.

It was the night we were getting ready for dinner. I was only three and it was when we were in Jamaica. I stood on the step stool cleaning when I seen my daddy and mama appear outside towards the window. They couldn't see me since I was so small but I could see them cleary. Nisha was with her family and Chris left earlier because he had his tour to continue. I was washing when I seen my daddy touch my mama all over. I could hear my mama telling him stop but he didn't listen. Something that really shocked me was when my mama slapped him. But what was more shocking was when my daddy slapped her back. I was scared and hurt but I didn't say anything. At such a young age the man I looked up to, I considered my best friend, the man I called my daddy was the bad guy. I didn't want to believe it so I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't treat him any differently cause I was afraid I wasn't gonna see him ever again. As I got older I was able to understand he was wrong, and that he was the bad guy. I remember one night Nisha and him got into such a bad argument, and that's kinda when I remembered what my mama and him went through. I remembered going into my room and crying so badly.

I went through a lot of pain. That's why I blame my parents for causing all this stress on me whenever I'm in a relationship.


Geo was different. I don't think I could ever be with anyone else after him.

I never thought I'd say this but...I loved him.



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