what are you willing to do?

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I missed him. It's been 3 years since he was taken away from me. Fly, high ♡

I sat on the side of the fountain trying to clear my thoughts.

I pulled out my book and started writing.

Never did I bring him up.  Never did I feel this big of a regret. I'm sorry again. Sorrow is my biggest weakness. Peace & Love, forever and always ♡

My phone vibrated and I pulled it out, Jamal

I sighed ignoring it. He calls me too many times and I ignore him all the time. I don't think he gets that I don't want to be around him.

As I watched the what swift pass. I closed my eyes but my phone dinged.

  - I need your help. I'm not joking


I opened the door continuously calling his name in fear. I slid through an open window and when I seen him he was passed out on the floor.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed running over

"You came?" He said in a shock

I sighed in relief. He wasn't unconscious.

I grabbed my phone ready to dial 911 when he stopped me.

"Don't call. I'm okay"

"Stop it you can barely open your eyes" He shook his eyes

"N-no, please" He said in a raspy voice


"Please." He stated

"What am I suppose to do your on the floor Jamal,  you can't speak and you're pale."

I touched his forehead and quickly took it off once I felt the hotness.

Relax, Ari you can do it. When Xavier, Ty or Royalty is sick what do you do...?
I unzipped his jacket and carefully took it off. It was 90 degrees outside. Jackets aren't needed.

"Jamal can you try your best to stand up?" I asked

"I can't feel my legs, Kim"

"I'm calling 911 Jamal, this is too serious" I stated

"Don't call. It won't be good for the both of us"

"Both of us, you're the one who needs the hospital"

"And do you know who you are? Once they get here someone's gonna figure out you're you." I sighed

"If it takes saving your life then I don't care"

He smiled, "I'm not gonna die, Kim calm down"

I pulled his arms causing half his body to be up. I laid his back on the bottom part of the couch.

"Okay, use all the force you can, I'm gonna get you on the couch." He nodded with his eyes closed.


"Ow! Ow! Ow! Stop"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I exclaimed

"It hurts?" He nodded with a hurt look on his face

"I'm sorry" I said again

"It's okay, just leave me hea' I'm not going on the couch"

I nodded, "okay" I stood up

"I'm gonna see if I could get you something, can I use the bathroom" He nodded

I stood up and gone to the bathroom checking inside his open mirror. Full untouched medication. Why am I not surprised. I read one of them.

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