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It was 2 am in the morning. I was approached by Dk as I was watching home videos.

"Arielle how does it feel?" My dad asked

She looked into the camera and responded,

"Keyanna what are you doing still up? You know she's not coming" I sighed

"I know, I'm just watching tv"

"Smile for the camera. She them grills off" DK said holding Arielle's hand


"We'll give you ice cream" my mama said

"C'mon just one smile" She sighed looking up at the screen

She forced a smile revealing her braces.

"Oooouuu" Everyone said in amaze

"Now what made you pick the color blue?" My dad asked in fascination

"It's Xavier's favorite color and Jesus says I should"

"Aww Xavier!!"

My mama said carrying him over to Kim.

"Look at what your sister gotchu' " my mama said

"DK, Xavier was so chunky when he was younger" He nodded watching the video

"Xavier look. Sissy got grills" Tyla said pointing to Kim

Kim smiled and Xavier screamed.

"Oh yeah he was scared of her braces" I laughed watching him wobble over to my daddy's leg.

The camera aimed at Xavier.

"Now Xavier. You need to grow up and stop all this crying."

I switched the tv back to live tv.

"Kimberly Alsina appeared on the carpet with a date with her. All we know is his name is Geo and it's the same guy that caused her to break up with her previous boyfriend Jamal."

It showed footage of her kissing him.

"On the news station though? Really" I asked

"What she received an award in Atlanta and she got a street names after her what do you expect?" He asked

"You think that's her boyfriend?" I asked

He shook his head, "that nigga looks like trouble, especially how he was holding her. Hell no"

"I tried asking her but she just shut me out" I said

"You know damn well that nigga is no good for her. You shoulda' seen pops and mama's face when they seen them together"

"You shoulda' seen August and I" I shook my head

"August doesn't like him at all"

"As soon as pops seen him he wasn't even gonna watch the rest, but Jesus forced him to"

"No" I said in shock, he nodded

"But Ty told me everyone was watching it"

"Yea mama left but pops stayed a little bit. But I could tell just by the look of his face he was over it"

"¿Las mandíbulas estaban apretadas?" (His jaws were clenched?) I asked looking at him

He nodded, "Yes Keke, you know what really made him leave?"

"When she kissed him." I said already knowing. I just knew my pops

"Yea, lemme tell you this guy was out real quick. He shut the tv off then walked up the stairs"

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