4 days the luck day

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All you lame ass bitches is a no goo!

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Day 1 - kissed.

Day 2- nothing

Day 3 - nothing

Day 4-

Geo is such an ass.

When a guy tells you he just wants to be friends you listen right?

Well I was a good girl and kept his words.

Now I've seen this nigga for three straight days. We text, see eachother a little bit around the school but lunch! Fizz, Geo, and I went to a damn place to eat and he was still just Geo, the friend.

I thought he'd kiss me sometimes here and there but nah. Not at all.

I was crying in the inside. Cause my hoe ass wanted that kiss. I may be over reacting but Geo's kisses were different from others. Not that I kissed billions of guys.

Only Jamal and him.

But still! He was romantic, without even trying!!!

I felt my hoodie being pulled off my head causing me to lift my head up.

"No sleeping in my class"

"Wasn't sleeping" I smirked

"Then no listening to music"

"It's frank ocean tho"

"Blonde?" I nodded

"What song" She asked

"Pink+White" She put my hoodie over my head then walked off as I continued doing my work.

This teacher understood.

"Class, let's talk about these grades from the quiz" Shit.

I knew I failed that shit badly.

"You guys were all over the place. Some failed, some..." She looked down shaking her head

"You're report cards are gonna come in later this week and I just don't know... yall really love to slack on this class even when I don't give that much quizzes or tests!"

She continued to go on and when she tossed my grade on the test I looked at it and was flabbergasted. 54? Really.

I was so disturbed.

"You guys know about plaintains"

Everyone nodded. She always gets off topic. She was one of those.

"My grandmama makes the best one"

"My grandmama from Costa Rica and she makes it so good and crispy...ugghhh!"

"Yeah I make them but I feel like the ones you get here are expensive and they don't have a lot of the yellow ones... well good yellow ones, do you guys know where I could buy them?"

"We only go to Publix and get it"

I knew my grandmama knew someone who got the good ones. It was far though that's all I remembered"

"What do you need it for?"

"I'm having a family dinner cause my father in law unexpectedly is coming tomorrow... and I wanna show him that I could be a good wife to his son"

"What is he?" Danni asked

"He's from Tobago, Trinidad" She said studdering

She meant Trinidad & Tobago.

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