The Unspoken Speaks

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I made my way down the alter. Jamal stood up and stepped out the bench so that I could get in. Jamal sat down and I tried my best listening to the Priest talk but once I let that deep breath out heavy cries released from my body. I stuffed my head in my arms sobbing. I felt someone's hands rubbing my back but it wasn't working.

"You wanna step out?"

I sighed lifting my head up. He stepped out the bench once more and allowed me to exit. I stood up and he held onto my waist. As soon as we stepped out I went into full blown crying. I was trying to breath in and out but I couldn't. I looked up at Jamal who spun around. I looked down at the floor trying to focus.


I watched as Kim's crying stopped. I wanted her to stop crying but I knew it was too quick for that to just happen. I bent down looking at her. She looked at me turning red a little.


" I need water" She said gasping for air

I quickly stood up. I ran inside and tried my best to look normal. I bowed in front of the alter then went into a room. I seen the vending machine. I grabbed a 5 out of my wallet and shoved it inside the slot. I pressed water and it slid out along with my change. I walked out and bowed again walking out. Kim looked seeing me. I handed her the water and she instantly drunk it like her life depended on it.

After a few minutes she went back to crying. I didn't wanna act like a jerk and pretend I didn't see her crying so badly so I sat next to her. I wrapped in an arm around her and she surprisingly got close to me crying harder.

"It was an accident."

I held tighter, "I know don't beat yourself up for it."

She sighed sniffing.

"Fizz... Geo." She cried harder and I could hear the people standing up

"They about to open up the--"

She cut me off moving away from me. She slid her shades on and stood up.

"Thanks" She awkwardly said, "no problem" I said

She opened up the door and I don't know what mentality was in my head but I thought it would be right to hold her hand. Bad choice cause as soon as I held it. She looked down at our hands then looked at me.


I immediately moved my hand off his hold and held onto the bench. We stood as music was played and the choir was singing..

"I was thinkin' about what you tol' me" He said whispering close to my ear. He kept taking pauses as he spoke

"I knew my son, but not enough."

I frowned and that's when I heard the priest speak, "A brief speech from the father who's son was taken away from him."

He said excuse me as Jamal and I moved out the bench to allow him to exit. We walked back in and I watch as he stood up there. He looked at the audience, sighed then spoke.

Hello ladies and gentlemen.

We all said hello back

"I'm Mr. Parks, but you can call me Isaac. I'm the father of Geordan... sorry Geo. Geordan was his full name. But moving on, my whole life changed when his mama left him in a box right in front of my doorstep saying have him. I had no choice but to take him in. Now, I'm not gonna sit up here and lie to you sayin' I was a great father to him cause I wasn't. I didn't raise Geord-- Geo properly. I raised him at a decency but I could've raised him better. But I didn't cause cocaine was more of my priority. It still is, but if it wasn't for Kim and Fizz stopping by my house the other day I wouldn't have been here. I don't even think I'd care to show up honestly. But thank you Fizz" He looked up then looked at his casket, "and thanks, Kimberly. "

He smiled, "They were able to put some sense into me. Honestly, I thought Geord-- Geo was just a boy I had to raise but once I was told he passed away I just had this feeling in my heart that just never went away. Just to know that the boy you held in your hand and watch grow was gone..." He took a deep breath and I listened as it became shaky

"I discovered he was more then that to me. I loved him, and I still do. I'm sorry, son, I should've been there."

I was shaking seeing him up there. I cried with him knowing I had that same feeling. I loved Geo and I still do.

"Kim, I want you to have the money he left."

I shook my head and he nodded, "There's enough for you to do whatever you like with it. Just have it cause I don't deserve it." I kept wiping my tears away quickly but he looked at the casket.




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