there's really no end.

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Why aren't you smile?


"You can't be sittin' up hea' moping when there's a daughter that needs you."

It was just August and I. DK had an emergency with Stacy so he left. Luckily we drove separately.

It was still silent and I just sat there looking at him. He looked worn out. He looked like he was on drugs again.

Pale, puffy red eyes.. I could go on...

"Fine I'll wait then."

15 minutes lator...

Okay maybe I could make something for him to eat. Food is what that body needs. I know it.


"I heard Jamal was in the hospital" Fizz said

"Really?" I asked driving

"You know people been saying stuff like he got AIDS.."

"You believe it?" I asked taking a turn

Fizz shrugged pushing his dreads back, "ion know, there's some reality to it... so it's possible, he sleeps with every girl that walks across him"

"Yea nigga, like you"

"Geo shut the fuck up" he yelled

I chuckled.

"Just cause you're hooked on someone doesn't mean you gotta disrespect me."

"I'm not hooked on one girl" He laughed, "Kimberly ain't that one girl you hooked on anymore? Yall got into a fight or somethin' ?" I sighed

"No, I never said I was hooked to her"

"You probably are and don't even know it" I shook my head, "you're taking this way outta proportion"

"Right, you actin' like I didn't here yall that night"

"You mad nosy"

"What she say... uhh Geo fuck! Nigga yall fucked and I know it"

"No, we didn't. " I said in a serious tone

"She gave you head?" I shrugged not trying to tell his big ass mouth anything.


Guess who's getting turnt tonight!!!!!!!

Rumor is there's a party tonight in L.A. and you know I gotta go to at least one L.A. party while I'm down hea'

But the best part about this party is Christian is throwing it. He's been planning this what since yesterday and everything is set.

"Christian what if no one shows up"

"Then we'll turn up for em' " he said

"No phones or cameras allowed or else you're getting kicked out!" I yelled looking at the people coming in already on their phones.

"Ari you need to relax" I heard Christian say

"How am I suppose to r--" I turned around and he already had a blunt in his mouth.

He blew it out and handed it to me.

"Take it in and relax."

"Tryna turn me into a bad girl?" I asked

"Nope just tryna let lose"

We walked to the back as each of us took drags. It went from one to two to the whole thing being finished.

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