fucks me well. but not well enuff

39 2 0


"Arielle, I wanna be the first interviewer to ask you this" She said with a smile

I smirked, " ion think you'd be the first to ask me whatever it is you're gonna ask me, but go ahead"

She smiled, "okay. Are you in a relationship with anyone"

"Yes, I am "

Her eyes widened

"I have a pretty good relationship with Diddy, he is my protégé. Um let's eye I have a nice relationship with my producers, dancers, 'nanny', my security"

She laughed

"I also have a good relationship with God, my bed and I would have a good relationship if we'd seen each other more but its a work in process" I said

"Arielle forreal, are you with a guy... like drake?"

"Now what makes you and the rest of the world think that ?"

"Ion know... you guys were pretty friendly when performing your song together"

"Drake was my idol when I was younger. It's yucky to think of us to be more then just friends.... he's a grandfather to me. What is he like 30?" I asked my security guard who was in the back corner

He shrugged giving me that dumb ass look.

"Yeah we'll say he's 30, that's old enough to be my grandfather. Same with this guy" I said pointing to my security guard, Malcom.

"Who is that, your security guard?" I nodded

"Malcom come here" He walked over shaking the lady's hand, , "the blogs, the media, whatever they are have been constantly linking me with him. Like Malcom is handsome and all but this is not mine. He's my other grandfather from the ancient eras of life."

"How old are you Malcom?"

"Malcom is old. He's been a live with the dinosaurs, he's like an error cause instead of him becoming extinct, he lived thousands of centuries later."

He and the lady laughed. His laugh was more like an Arielle shut the fuck up type laugh. I saw the look he gave me.

"Alright Malcom go away"

"So your not with anyone?" I shook my head, "No. I'm with my music"

"You're not in a relationship with a guy?' She asked looking at me

I shook my head, "no." She looked at me closely as if she didn't believe me, "I promise I'm not, but if I ever were to be in a relationship no one will need to know except for the person I'm in the relationship with"

She nodded and I looked in the camera.

"So it's not Christian?"


"Any of the Combs?"



"No" I said

| | | | | | | | |

I showed up to Geo's place at 10. I knocked on the door to him answering it.

"Oh damn you're back" He said in a yawn

"I'm sorry I came so late, I had a lot of errands to run" He nodded letting me in

"Where's Mariah?" I asked

He walked over to the back while I waited in the living room. He appeared back carrying her causing me to smile, "awww!" I said

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