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I sat in his car quietly when he suddenly put the music down. All that we could hear now was FIZZ's loud ass music playing in his ear buds.

"Kim" He started

I still laid my head on the window.

"I know you don't want me to be at this party, because I annoy you or embarass you and I'm sorry. I guess I love my niece so much that I love sharing stories to other people about you."

He turned his head to look at me but I was looking out the window still

"Anyways, imma stop ight, and I won't be around you at all during the party okay?"

I was still silent. I didn't know what to say. I felt bad. He's just being my uncle. I shouldn't have been so mean to him. I wanted to say sorry but I was too nervous to talk. I just get shy easily now, and it's not that I'm shy I just feel uncomfortable... like I don't wanna say the wrong thing to him. I love him, he's my uncle.

The car came to a stop and I got out. Fizz and Uncle Deeks also got out and I looked at Fizz who put his earbuds and phone in his pocket. His earbuds were sticking out of his pocket causing me to sigh and grab it. I put it in my little bag and looked at him.

"If you lost them." I said

"I don't lose my things"

"So your homework doesn't count as being lost?"

He chuckled. "Ion lose my homework, my homework loses me"

I knew he was gonna say that. He held me and we walked in.

"Welcome to Christian's Birthday Blow Out ticket please."The man said smiling at us.

I handed him my ticket and he lifted a brow.

"This is my date and he's my plus one" I said pointing to uncle Deeks.

He nodded, "gotcha' " he stamped our hand and it had his signature in all black.

"Damnnn he really went all out" I said walking in. A lady came up to us and smiled.

"Would you like for me to take your bag?"

"Where will it be?"

"Oh it's gonna be locked up in one of the lockers out back."

I nodded "Sure" I grabbed my phone and she took my purse.

"I love your bracelet" I looked at Fizz who looked away smiling

"Thank you" I said

"My name is Annie. Your locker is number 648 and you can unlock it by entering these three numbers. You go to school so you don't need me to help you with it right?" I shook my head, "no its all good, thanks"

"Anytime, I'm a big fan of your family. Especially your luh brother Xavier. He could sing" I smiled, "Thank you" she walked off

"You know she just kissin' ya ass right?" I hit Fizz, "Don't say that" I whispered.

The double doors opened and damn that place was already packed. Music was blasting people were dancing.

"Oh my gosh" He laughed, "shit this gon' be lit"

"Well see you around" I said

He shot up the deuces sign and I turned looking at my Uncle Deeks who was about to walk away.

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