I'll Always Be Yours

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"Kim wake up" I heard my mama say

I opened my eyes seeing her sit on the bed.

"Go get dress we gotta go to studio" I nodded

"Sorry baybee for waking you up " I shook my head, "It's okay"

She gave me a small smile

"I'm gonna be in the car. Take as much time as you want"

She walked off.

Since I was sweating in my sleep I decided to take a shower. It was a quick one. I brushed my teeth even if it was 3 AM, and put my clothes on. Outfit, usuals. I had on my black timberlands along with a beanie. I was walking out with the book in hand and my backpack just in case. My mama seen me getting out the house. I noticed how quickly she hung the phone up. Wonder why😂😑. I came in and she smiled.

"All set?"

"Yes, who were you talkin' to?" I already knew who she was talking too I just wanted to see if she had the balls to say it.

"Oh I was on the phone with FIZZ's mama she told me that there's a meeting tomorrow with the person who's helping us with the funeral and she wanted to know if you'd like to come?"


"Really?" I nodded, "yeah"

"Okay, I'll text her when we get to the studio."

Sure she will.

The car had music playing lowly and once the car came to a full stop I knew we were there. I got out the car and the both of us entered.

"Hey Keyanna" the lady waved

"Hi Carolina"

"This is Kim, my oldest daughter, Kim this is Carolina."

She seemed uncomfortable but she still waved.

"Hi" She nervously said to me

"Hello" I said back

She quickly directed my mama to a room and we went. If that lady was gonna act weird around me then imagine how my mama's people were gonna act. Being in the news a lot isn't good... at all.

My mama stepped in the room. She greeted a lot of people. I stood there awkwardly.

"Yall this Kim. My daughter" that room went dead silence. They looked at me in amazement. I took deep breaths in and out.

"Okay well shall we start?" The guy asked trying to hide the weird vibe.

"Yeah, sure. Kim this is Tanner. He's gonna help you with the lyrics" She pointed to the guy sitting down.

"He's Derrick. He'll be helping you out with the beats and the tones and basically all the instrumentals. I'll be back in a few minutes, but be good"

I nodded as she walked away. Once that door shut I stood there not sure of what to do.

"Everyone get to work. A lot of yall should be helping out with the lyrics." Everyone began shuffling around socializing and I still stood like a big idiot.

"Oh and you missy, can come over here." He made me go next to him.

"Imma just play the record of what we have so far"

I nodded

He pressed a button and the song went off. I listened and watch as he smiled bumping his head to the beat. I didn't like the song.  It was a good song it just was too... I don't even know it just wasn't giving me the vibe.

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