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Diddy was in town cause of Christian's party. He had to do a few arrangements and he along with his assistant seen me walking to who knows where when he gave me a ride. I talked to Diddy . He bought me a hotel room and let me stay there for as long as I needed he even gave me some cash just in case... like I didn't already have money that he gave me previously.

I went to school and I think by third period I was already over it. I went downstairs and pulled out a note signed by my mama  months ago. I wrote down "want to be dismissed" and handed it to the guidance councilor.

She made me sign this log and I left the school. I walked a little then I drove to my destination. I went to his door, and I was about to knock when I untwisted the door knob and it was opened.

I stepped inside and Geo was in his living room talking on the phone.

He seen me but continued talking on the phone. I dropped my bag on the floor closing the door.

"...man you serious... I can probably reorder it or we can check her order... oh it's not?"

He laughed, "jeesh ion think that ever happened to anyone else, but ion accuse people of you know...lying"

I caught him off gaurd when I wrapped m arms around him and kissed him on the lip while pushing myself on him.

His phone slipped to the couch and he lifted me up. I laid my hands on his dreads and continued to kiss him

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"You have to take each step at a time boys and girls, you're all becoming ladies and gentlemen and I want you guys to feel comfortable about talking to the councilors, teachers, a grown up, or maybe even a friend or me or the vice principal"

"We're here to make you guys wanna have an amazing high school experience--"

The bell cut the principal's speech off causing everyone to scurry out.

I didn't wanna be here. But I'm always forced to be here. And school is my only blockage from life.

Hearing that you were gonna be the daughter to a completely different man then who your father actually is...is crazy.

I kinda had a feeling I was brought in to this world with a story cause my sister was... and then my mama had me at a young age also...

But whenever I asked my mama or Kim they never really told me.

Kim use to always tell me to go ask someone else and when I did they wouldn't really tell me in full details, then I ask Kim again and she'd always give me the same exact response.

Figure it out

It was annoying.

I know I'm suppose to feel sad about this but I'm actually so HAPPY! I love fights, and I love drama and to know the amount of drama I caused is CWAZY.

It's actually sparking some interest in my boring ass life of being trapped in that damn palace everytime.

I wasn't even gonna skip 8th Grade but then all those movies about high school and the drama I knew it was destined for me too!!!

I use to even read my sisters text messages just to see what's going on in their life. Now I'm finally the one everyone's focused on. My uncle dropped Jesus and I to school and I can tell they were both eyeing me trying to see if I was gonna cry or something. It was funny but I tried to look down or look at the window with my head leaned against it so that they'd feel sorry.

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