Bye Best friend

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He fell on my leg and groaned shaking like crazy. There was blood dripping from his stomach to his chest. I collapsed on the floor.

"Fizz" I said quietly

I was trying to hold in my cries but they were already slipping.

"Kim you're gonna be okay." I cried

"PLEASE don't leave me" I cried harder, "You're the only one I got"

He looked shaking his head.

"I'm gonna be there in the heart alright. You got me. You got Geo. We'll be there for you"

I cried hugging him.

"Please don't go"

"I love you Kim" He said holding my hand. He squeezed lightly.

His eyes shut.

"No!" I rocked him trying my best to calm down. He's gonna be alright Kim, don't worry.

"Kim" I heard someone say

I kept shaking my head. He's not gone. He just needs to go to the hospital they'll fix him. Blood kept gushing from his body as I shook my head. He's still here. I know he is. He's just joking around like he always does.


"Leave me alone" I said

My throat was burning. I watched him become paler and paler.

"I love you Fizz you can't do this to me"

I heard sirens but I blocked them from my mind. It's just Fizz and I. We're gonna be good.


I sat in the hospital room swinging my leg back and forth. He's not gone. He's here. He'll make it. He's tough. I looked at the blood stains on my hand and throughout my arms. But I didn't care. I prayed and prayed. I felt so sick but that wasn't gonna stop me from praying.

"Kim" I heard uncle DK say standing in front of me, "I gotchu some water"

I shook my head ignoring him from my thoughts. He'll make it. He really will. I know he will. Fizz is Fizz. He's a warrior.

I heard noises and I could here my mama's voice. I ignored her. I heard Chris. I ignored him. I could tell uncle Deeks stepped out the room cause the hospital waiting room got quiet. Jamal and Tory held my hands as they all had tears coming down their faces. My eyes were watering again. He's gonna make it, Kim stop it

The door opened and I seen Christian running inside with Justin and Quincy.

God, please. Please don't take him away. Please. I'll do better for myself I will. Promise.

DK, Chris, and mama were back in the room. My mama came over but I looked the other way. I didn't want to talk to anyone but God.

The door opened and the doctor came out. I stood up quickly and he said FIZZ's name.

"Is he okay?" He looked at me quietly

I blinked a few times,I let out a breath of air.

"Did he make it?" I asked with a crack in my voice

"I'm sorry"

My eyes filled with tears as I shook my head "no" I continuously said that then I kicked my foot on the wall.

"No, no, no"

I kicked the wall again then banged my fists on it.

"Kim" I heard Jamal say and I pushed him off me.

"Get off me this is your fault" I said pushing him again

"You knew something was up and you lied straight to my face!" I exclaimed

"I hate you" I said

I coughed

"I hate you so much"

I coughed again gasping for air then I went straight to the floor crying so hard. I blocked my face as I sobbed.

"Take me don't take him!" I exclaimed. I sobbed on the floor and could feel people trying to help me, but I didn't want their help. I coughed again then lifted my head up and seen the trash that was right in front of me. I kept coughing trying to calm down

First Geo, Now Fizz.

I coughed harder then I stood on my knees suddenly puking in the trash.


I cried writing this.


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