News Explosion

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Keyanna and Chris Brown have reportedly been cheating on eachother throughout their marriage.

Arielle Alsina had a drug overdose

August Alsina was abusive towards Keyanna

Looks like Keyanna's Holiday extravaganza went down just minutes before ending. Reason for it? Her daughter, Arielle Alsina

Reports say, Arielle Alsina appeared on stage uninvited to this event spilling all the lies, and secrets to everyone.

Not only did she talk about Keyanna, her mama, but she spoke about Chris Brown, August Alsina, and La'Nisha, August's ex-girlfriend.

Keyanna's album really was written by her daughter, Kimberly Alsina.

Reports say it was a show worth wild.

"I just don't understand how a mother can do that to their child? Your child should be someone that has a close bond with you! You're child should not DESPISE YOU!!"

"True. I just don't understand how if your daughter had been in and out of the hospital for the past month or two why didn't you say okay something is wrong let me focus on her for a little bit."



I knew that family wasn't shit. Always tryna act like they fucking Royalty when they sloppy asf.

Kimberly thank you for exposing their asses

August yo album ain't shit. I'm burning that shit.

Why don't yall go take yalls careers and shove it down yo ass. All ova yo ass.

Breakfast Club.

"Kimberly is officially speaking out. Let's be honest something was really up with them. They were all weird to me."

"Now we know why"

" I was waiting for the other siblings to come up on stage and go yeah mama's a bitch!"

"Charlemagne don't say that they're all younger"

"Okay, well what about Tyla she's 13--"

"They didn't tell her anything. Lemme tell yall how I think this was planned out. After having the second and third born. They figured secrets that happened in the past stay in the past, and oh yeah Kim knows but Kim had to keep that shit a secret only for her brother and sisters to live a nice life."

"Yeah but it's sad to know that. Think about it. Just having to hold in all these terrible memories and then having to sit there hearing your parents say they didn't want you?"

DJ Envy shook his head

"I say her parents should've sat her down at one point and just talk to her about everything that went down and then just apologize"

"I agree, what kills me is when Kim said she was trying to talk to her mom for the pass few days and she just wouldn't listen." Angela Yee said

"It's sad. But you know Karma is a bitch. It'll just bite you in the damn ass when you least expec--"

"The whole family was there too. Prolly all came to just celebrate and sh... I bet the family knew all this."

"Knew Kim was gonna do all this? No--"

"No, I mean I'm sure the family saw something was wrong with Kim and Keyanna and Chris--"

"Then they just never said anything"


"You know what really shocked me was when Kim came up stage--"

"With the blood on her hand!" Angela exclaimed

"Yeah, I thought I was the only one who saw that. "

"Nah everyone saw that. The blood was just strolling down her arm and everything. Shows she didn't give a f*ck."

"Well guys what do you think this means for the family?"

"Kim gone. I know that for sure" Charlemagne said

"Charlemagne don't say tha--"

"It's true Kim gon' do her own thing and I know she's not gon be like these other celebrities that walk away from their family, cause those kids be heard around the news acting reckless "

"True" Angela said

"I think Kim gon be smart, do her own thing, and then as for the family. Good luck to them"

"Yeah, my prayers go out to Kim and the children. Let's hope she gets herself back together"



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