Hi Ass

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"I'm growing in ass!!" I exclaimed

Neicy laughed, "What the fuck?"

"I'm serious. This is like a life achievement!!" I exclaimed

"Okay bitch... look at you" she cheered

"I'm tellin you them brownies just got like a potion"

"Brownies?" Neicy asked

"Yeah, Bash has brownies that are freaking  Magical!!! Like my nerves get the best of me before a show but then once I get one... I'm relaxed."

She giggled.

"Sounds to me like you're eating a pot brownie"

"Nah fam, just a regular brownie" She shrugged 

"Believe what you want." She laughed walking away when I shook my head.


I got out the room with my dried nails waiting for La'Nisha to finish up hers. I stuffed my earbuds in and watched some snaps. I constantly looked up whenever the door opened. I looked down at my phone watching some snaps when I felt someone's presence near me. I looked and seen Jamal.

I purposely sucked my teeth when I seen him. I paid attention to my phone and lowered the volume on my phone. You never know he may say something... not that I cared.

After about five minutes. I looked around. I seen Jamal focused on the tv screen. I looked and Kim was on it. I smirked.

I removed my earbuds and smiled singing along to the song extra loud. I could feel his eyes burning a whole to the side of my face but I still sung along with a smile on my face.

"I don't need you I don't need you I don't need you I don't need you but I want youuu"

From the corner of my eyes I noticed him on his phone.

Way to play it cool.

"Tyla c'mon let's go"


"Thank you Alabama!" I bowed

"Thank you, Baltimore!!"


"Thank you Chi-Town!"





I bowed down and walked off the stage. Sean and the others praised me for my work, but once I sat down. I stared blankly at a wall.


I looked at Kim and lifted a brow. She seemed so focused on the wall that I really thought her soul left her damn body.

"Pops is she good?" I asked pointing to her with my head. My dad looked at her and nodded walking over to her.

I kinda wasn't talking to her so I went into the car waiting for my pops to come.


"Smilllleee you just finished your... I don't even know how many 18th show??" Sean cheered praising me

I looked at him and gave him a thumbs up and sent a smirk.

"All in just two weeks!" He added

I've been doing shows left and right. From the morning, to the evening, to night, to late at night. It was nonstop. I never showed any signs of exhaustion cause I've been keeping calm and playing cool, but in the inside my body was fighting sleep. I was tired as a bitch!! I didn't mind not going to sleep but my sleeping schedule is so fucked now! It's not easy to explain.

As I stood up getting ready to leave a lady from the crowd of people screaming my name tried to grab my shirt. The security blocked me

"Arielle!! It's me! Your cousin Eva!!" I paused turning around

"Cousin Eva? You rememba me!! I use to watch you when you came down hea' sometimes!" She shouted

She did not ring a bell.

"Let's go Ari, don't focus your attention on that sometimes they just..." Malcom made the coo coo gesture.

I was about to walk off when she called back.

"You use to stay with Grandmama Shiela! You always helped her out on Saturdays to make the pancakes! I was the lady who'd be sitting in the corner braiding people's hair. Remember I had Orange hair?"

I bit my lip remembering sorta. She sounded familiar and she looked like she was related to me.

I whispered in Malcom ears. "Take her out the crowd and bring her over to me"

He nodded. I started walking off and that's when people screamed louder.

"Ari! Wait!" The lady exclaimed

I walked and stood near one of the trucks that moved the equipment. I could tell Sean wanted to know what was going on but I remained silent.

The lady came over and she attacked me with a hug. Malcom was about to grab her off me but I stopped him hugging her back.

"You got so big, oh lord ya hair is beautiful!"She exclaimed

"Thank you" I said lightly

She looked at me probably because she was in such shock. She gave me another hug then pulled away.

"... Um so how are you related to me?" I asked

"Well you called me TT Eva or Antie Eva, or Auntie Eva. But yeah I'm your cousin. Probably like 2nd or 3rd or whatever generation but we're still related in someway. You really don't remember me?"

"... Are you the same lady that braided Chay and Amaiya's hair blue and I wanted you to do mine but Grandmama Sheila didn't let me?"

She nodded, "Yup, it was you and Kayden. Cause yall had a head full of hair but I still didn't mind, I would've done it, but Shiela said no cause she knew Chandra and Keyanna would've went looney!!" I laughed nodding

"I always wanted my hair braided"

She smiled softly, "If ya want... I could braid it for you while ya down hea' "


She nodded, "Yeah free of charge. Your family" I looked back at Sean who was pointing to his watch"

"What type of braids do you do?"

"...every type you can name"

I bit my lips, "can you do dreads... like the braided one for girls?" I asked

"Faux locs?" I nodded

"...yeah what color?"

"Get blonde"

She nodded

"No get black but put some blonde in"

"Okay, here's my address you can come anytime"

She wrote her address down on a piece of paper and I took it.

"Thanks Antie Eva"

"No problem Ari"

"I gotta go" I gave her a hug, "Bye" I waved




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