Faux Locs

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I woke up and noticed I was sleeping on a bed. I jumped up and I scrunched my face in pain. My head was killing me. I felt my head and I could feel the braids. I flicked the light switch and looked at myself in the mirror.

I was feeling myself. I flipped my hair to the side and smiled. Damn they looked good. They had gold hair pieces and everything. I looked at the clock and it was 8 AM. I came to her house at 11 and it's 8 AM! I slid my sneakers on and walked out the door.

"You're up!" Eva exclaimed

"Yeah I am... sorry I fell asleep"

"Oh it's alright I know your busy and everything so I understand"

"Thanks for doing my hair I really like it"

"No problem baybeh. It looks good on you" she said smiling

"Well I have to g--"

"Why so soon?" She quickly asked 

"I have to get back to the hotel"

"Eat some breakfast. You look like you could use it" She looked down at my thin ass body and that's when I ended up sitting down eating a full blown meal. We said a few words but I was mostly quiet.  She looked, and sat down drinking orange juice. I could tell she was watching me causing me to feel uncomfortable.

"You look so much like August" She smiled

And I forced a smile on my face continuing to eat.

"You got your mom's eyes though"  I nodded not sure of what to say.

"You know, you got a lot quiter. You use to be the loud child that always ran all over the place. Now you seem... very boxed in. Why?"

I shrugged, "I don't know..." Now I really had to go... things were awkward. I knew Aunt Eva but still.

"Ya know. I grew up with your dad?" I lifted a brow

She nodded, "He and his brothers would come over to grannies house and she'd watch us." She laughed

"Your father was so bad he always got a whipping whenever he came over."

Not surprised.

"He'd always be the one to be all over the house breaking her stuff. Grannie would even allow us to play outside." She paused

"August still managed to be the luh bad ass he was and get into trouble. Tell me why one day a police car had to pull up in front of da' house wit' 7 yea' old August in the back. He had dat ugly ass smirk on his face, couldn't stand his ass. Can you believe  he took my nail polishes without me knowin' and mixed all tha' colors."

I bursted into laughter because of the look she had on her face. I could tell she was still pissed from the situation.

"Why was he in the back of the police car?"

"Oh! The police officer said dey found him snoopin' around the police department. You know what August tol' grannie and his mama? I was just curious. When grannie and his mama weren't paying attention he had dat' musty ass smirk on his face... luh bad ass.


I came inside and it was surprisingly quiet. Maybe no one was home? They probably went out for breakfast. I smiled and sat down in relief knowing I could get some peace and quiet. I laid my body down on the couch and closed my eyes.

A half a second LATER.

"THERE SHE IS!!" I opened my eyes and Neicy shook my body like I was in deep sleep.


"  I like your hair, but c'mon we gotta do the photoshoot" I sighed

"5 more minutes"

"Nope c'mon we have a busy schedule today."

"Niecy I'm so tired!!" I exclaimed

"Well you're the one who signed up for this so..." I rolled my eyes sitting up

"Everyone is already down there so hurry up"

I walked into the bathroom and quickly showered, brushed my teeth, and put some clothes on.

"Why you always wearing black jeesh" She mumbled as we walked out.


I sat down in the living room in silence. Just four more days and I get to go. I don't want to go to my mama's house but I mean when I go to her house I get to go to my grandparents house.

I heard footsteps coming down the steps but I didn't pay any mine to it.

He went in the kitchen,  then came back with the present he left in there. He set it down on the table in front of me and then stood there. I continued to watch the television trying my best to ignore him.

I ignored both of them. My mom and my father. There wasn't much to say to them. My mom would yell at me and I would say stuff but it was mostly blunt or one word responses.

There wasn't much to say. My dad was easy to deal with cause he didn't say anything at all. He just stayed in his room. I knew at night he would come into my room while I slept, but I still never said anything to him.

"... I got that for you as a birthday gift." He said lowly referring to the present.

"Open it" I looked at him then looked at the gift.

I already knew what it was. I didn't want it. I already had one.

I stretched over grabbing the box just to make him leave. I looked and could tell he wrapped it cause it was so poorly done.

I unwrapped it, the apple sign glowed and I had no reaction. I knew it was gonna be a laptop that's why I wasn't blown away. I already had one. And I didn't want two. So I put it on the table.

"Thank you"

I said lowly. He was still there. He looked at me then looked at the laptop then walked away. Finally.

I didn't need his negative presence around me. He would only make matters worse.


Arielle's  Progress - 🙂

Tyla's Progress - 😕


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