Take A Shot

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Christian left with Breah and Quincy came over whispering in my ear.

"He look like he in trouble" Quincy said over the loud music

I nodded

"Look what you did" Fizz said shaking his head

"What did I do?"

"You know she's jealous of you, right?" Quincy said

"I really don't get why people be jealous of me" I said with a frown

"Lies" Quincy said

I lifted a brow

"You're smart, you pretty, you play basketball, and you sing! You like a rivalry to girls"

"Oh please"

"C'mon" Fizz said

"Where are we going?" I asked

"We gon eavesdrop since you don't think it's your fault"

He took me to where Christian and Rory were and Quincy, Fizz, and I listened and sorta watched.

"Christian why would you put your hands on her"

"What are you talking about? I was just trying to get her attention to show her who was performing on stage next

"You couldn't just tell her" Breah exclaimed

"You know how loud it is out thea' "

"You're so stupid. I'm your girlfriend not her. You should be paying attention to me not her."

Christian was silent

"If you want me to stay here tonight then don't talk to her for the rest of tonight."

"Breah you gotta be kidding me?" Christian said

"Hahahaha . I'm not joking"

"Then leave" Chrsitian said

Quincy gasped, "damn"

They looked but we hid. I slowly peeked and they were back to talking.

"I can't believe you" Breah said to him

I walked off and went to a place that was behind the stage where no one was at.

Why do I always ruin everything. I felt trapped in a box as I thought about what I just did.

"Kim we about to take pictures c'mon" I nodded as Diddy was about to leave.

"Oh Kim" He came over

"Yeah?" I asked

"Where did you get that voice from?"


He laughed, "Good answer but you ever thought of taking music more seriously?"

"Yeah sometimes" I said

"I think you should be signed to Bad Boy. You basically are one"

I looked at him unsure. I guess I didn't have the right mind set cause even I wasn't sure what to say.

"Pops where u at?" I heard Justin, his other son say

"We're gonna talk later, but hurry up we gotta get pictures"  He walked off and I sat there

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