He Was A Pro At Phone Sex

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I stood up looking at the principal then he looked at Fizz and I.

"Could you step out I wanna talk to both your parents alone"

Fizz and I left, and I noticed Geo's locker that was filled with flowers. Fizz looked around then unlocked the locker. He opened it and I looked around the halls.

"Fizz what are you doin' ?"

"I just wanna see what's inside"

He was lurking around causing me to back up.

"You ain't gon' look with me?"

I shook my head, "I'm not tryna get in trouble"

"How could you get in trouble if you already in trouble"

"I just don't wanna look ight now stop forcing me"

He was quiet.

"...oh what's this" He shuffled through something, "To Kim"

"What is it?" I asked standing besides him

"I'm fuckin' withchu' " he chuckled

I rolled my eyes and he closed up the locker. He took a deep breath out then sat down on the floor besides me.

"I still can't believe this" he said playing with his nails.

"Me either" I said quietly

"I feel like it's my fault. I should've stuck with him instead of going to that girl's house"

"Don't say that. You just wanted to have fun." I said

"I didn't even do anything. As soon as I got to that girl's crib she put on her pj's, talkin' bout 'Oh let's just talk I'm not really in the mood to do it anymore' " he sighed, "wasted my damn time. I was gon call Geo to come get me but I aint wanna be rude and make him drive off to a place he's not familiar with." He rubbed a hand down his face.

"I blame myself every minute, Fizz. "

"Kim stop" He said

"No, Fizz. Really, my parents were right I should've been responsible. If I hadn't been so stupid that night he would've still been hea'. "

"Kim, don't blame ya self we gotta thank of the positive." I nodded looking down as we sat there.

"Yall were in the car for a long time that night"

I nodded

"What were yall doin' ?"

I wiped both my eyes.

"He wanted to know what happened with Jamal and I." Fizz nodded

"Yeah I was suppose to ask you how did that go... with you and Jamal?"

"Jamal ain't shit. But ion wanna talk about it.

"Go back to you and Geo"

I sniffed, "Oh Geo was talkin to me about wanting to do charity work and stuff, cause he was talking about having money, but he had nothing to do with it so I just gave him the idea."

Fizz nodded

"We were gonna go to a children's hospital together during vacation and give back to them. " I sighed

"That's all you talked about?" I shook my head

I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell him the rest but I didn't care so I did.

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