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Vote// Comment luvvvviiieeezz♡. Love you all. My Way Marathon Saturday!!!!


"Arielle are you a virgin?"

"Wow... am I a virgin?... uhh" I said

I wasn't sure if oral sex was considered sex.

"I'm a singer and dancer Oprah" I laughed trying to change the subject

She nodded, " you do shows right?" I nodded

" released a lot of songs that are... very different from your other songs can you explain why your music is changing?"

"I... I like to switch things up on people. Cause when they see me they know me as the girl that sings nice songs and yea yea yea like I want them to have different vari--"

"How often do you get stopped by fans?"

"A LOT. I can't do much like before cause I'm always recognized by someone and all hell breaks loose from then on. I had this lady kick me out the store cause I was distracting the sales at the store. *laughs*"

"What? It's not your fault!" Oprah said

I nodded, "I know"

"Let's get back to the room. Is this your working space?" She pointed to the desk filled with papers all over the place.

"Yeah it's really messy"

"Is it always like this?" She asked with a frown observing the papers

"Sadly... yes" I laughed

"And when do you come in here?"

"I come at night or when I get back home"

"At night? Aren't you tired?"

"You get use to being up cause I go to the studio at night and stay there till maybe 5, 4, or 6--"

"Wow! When do you normally sleep?"

"My sleeping schedule is very messy."

"And so how long are you up when your in here?" She asked

"I'd say the whole night"

She looked at me, then pointed to the papers, "Doing this?"

I nodded smiling.

"Is this school work?"

"No, I finish my school work quick so this is just work I choose to do"

"Wait a minute... you print stuff like this out?" I nodded, "Yeah"

"And you do them all?" I nodded

She lifted a brow, "do you ever get stumped on a problem?"

"Yea definitely but that's the best part cause you get to work on it and try to figure it out"

She laughed shaking her head, "this is crazy"

"These books please tell me you don't read them all overnight..."

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't"

"What in the world... you read these..."

"I'm almost finished with this last book"

"This is the Twilight series " She said, "How long did it take you to finish it?"




"You're a workaholic" I shrugged, "It's alright"

"No like you're scaring me with all this" She said with a worried look on her face.

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