Bobby Bitch

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I was laying on on my side. Crying was my natural feeling now. I just cried in and out the night. Sometimes, when they were loud I would stuff my face in the pillow. I didn't want to go to sleep any more because of how terrifying my dreams were.

While I was laying down there was a tap on my window. I laid quietly trying my best not to look. There was another tap causing me to take a deep breath. I counted to three in my head then looked. I noticed the person near my window causing me to jump. It was Fizz, so I looked around then got up and opened up the window.

He came inside and I looked up at him.

"Do you mind if I crash hea' tonight?"

I nodded, "Sure"

Fizz looked just as bad as me, but I knew he was hurting way more then I was. I mean that was his best friend for years, and now he's gone. I tried my best to hold my composure in front of him but I could tell I was seconds from crying. He removed his sweater and his top and I grabbed one of my many pillows and my covers putting it on the floor. I awkwardly grabbed my stuffed animal that my daddy gave me and also laid that on the floor. I went in my drawers and grabbed blankets and put them on the bed.

"You need anything? Water, Juice?" He shook his head laying on the bed

"Thanks tho"

I nodded. I still tip toed downstairs and seen the security from outside inside the kitchen.

"...Hi Mark"

He looked up and then looked down at his sandwich and glass of juice.

"Oh Hi... I jus--"

"It's fine" I said

He nodded then walked out. The door shut silently and I grabbed a water bottle for Geo. I went in the cabinet where all the liquor was and grabbed a red cup. I tried out a few of them but I wanted the vodka. I grabbed the bottle hopped out the stool then poured some in my cup. It was so strong but I ended up swallowing it. I knew I wasn't gonna drink it plain so I put some orange juice in my cup then poured vodka in it. I grabbed in empty water bottle from the recycling bin and filled it with vodka. I put the bottle back. Then went upstairs. I handed Fizz the water, and set my stuff on the floor. I sipped a little of my orange juice then poured my water in. I sipped in the juice at first but then I found myself taking gulps and finishing it. I scrunched my eyes tightly from the burning in my throat. But I liked it. It gotten to the point where I was pouring just the vodka in my cup.

"Kim what are you doin' ?" I looked at Fizz then frowned. "You talkin to me?" I asked looking at him

"You the only one in hea' " I jumped when I seen Geo sitting near the window. I blinked a few times then he disappeared.

Fizz turned back then sighed stretching his arm out. "Lemme have some" He said

I looked at the bottle and seen a little bit over half left. I looked at my cup then poured a little more in then handed him the bottle.


We said together then we both gulped that drink down like it was soda. I sat there trying to process my thoughts but I had none.

I fell asleep drunk that night. I kept moving around on the floor then I would have tears coming down my face silently. The vodka didn't help me with my feelings but it sure did help me feel nice.

Fizz was the same. The bed was squeaking a lot from all his movements, and I could tell when he wasn't facing me he was crying cause I could hear him. Fizz crying always had me feeling awful.

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