Arielle Alsina day

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"That's the mayor" I said to Geo

He nodded, "yea"

"He comes to this fashion show every year" I laughed

"You've been here before?"

"Consistently? No. But here and there"

My ears were zoning out but I tried my best to listen.

"This recipient use to be the youngest one that would attend this fashion show then that's when we decided to have it open for all ages."

People broke into laughs even Geo. I looked and seen my face on the screen with my tongue out as a child.

I sighed an embarrassment.

"Let's role the clip" the mayor said

"Arielle are you happy to be here?"

"No I was forced hea' "


"Yea my daddy forced me hea' sayin' it was gon' be fun. Yeah RIGHT!" I had the biggest mug on my face. I laughed at myself

"Hey Arielle which outfit did you like"

"Da outfits weren't nice. Dey' was a girl dat had toilet papa' and the sticks you use when you clean ya ears on ha' ! If ya ask me I think she was tryna tell us she needed da' bathroom. Mama ain't that right"

"Yes Ari"

"My mama laughed at her when she fell. She tol' me not to tell yall. But I don't like keepin' stuff like that to myself."

The interviewer laughed at me

The next clip rolled and I remembered it clearly. I was only 4. It showed my daddy and then the camera aimed to me. My daddy was carrying me.

"Hey Arielle" I waved

Leaning on my Chris's chest.

"She just woke up from her nap."

"You don't need naps Arielle you're like 13 years old!"The interviewer said in a smile

I didn't even laugh. I looked at him. Unentertained.

Everyone was laughing at the video.

"You're 13 right?"

"I-If I'm thirteen yeas' ol', yo bald head must make you 50"

The whole audience laughed hysterically and I couldn't breath from my laughs.

They showed another clip from that same night. I was dosing off while the models were walking down the runway when suddenly she slipped on something making her scary mask roll over towards me. I screamed so loud and jumped on Chris so fast in panic.

The clip ended and everyone laughed at me.

"It's like she had a seizure" the mayor said

I hid my face an embarrassment.

"Did yall see LeBron James. He shook real quick and held his hand out. That's when you know he was knocked out five seconds before that happened" the mayor said

They replayed it showing me scream along with LeBron who lifted his head up and held his hand out.

People were laughing so hard.

"Then look at Kevin Hart next to Chris. He was about to jump on Chris too." My stomach was hurting so hard

"You could tell that whole row of people were zoned out the whole show"

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