Chapter Two

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 Chapter 2


Marcus’ POV


Emma was actually pretty cool, she was here now for a few days and she was so funny. I totally think I should introduce her into one of my videos. The only thing was that she was gone every day for about 9 hours. She explained to me that an orchestra had asked if she could do all the important solos of the music they were playing.

She would get paid for it and all the honour would go to her. That was pretty cool.

I also knew that Emma was looking for a vocal coach since she loved to sing. When Emma was cooking us dinner on the first night, we could clearly hear her sing from the kitchen. She was really good.

Just a shame she was so busy, I really wanted her in one of my videos. I could always ask, right?

Emma was back and talking on the phone with her brother, my cousin. She was talking Dutch and I had no idea what she was saying. I was fascinated by the difference between English and Dutch. It sounded so weird.

She hung up and went to sit on the couch. She looked tired. ‘’Is everything alright?’’ I asked, my voice sounding serious.  

‘’Yeah, Jesse was complaining about mom and dad. Now that I’m gone all the focus is on him. It was always me that had to achieve everything. Now that I’m here, playing the solos in this big orchestra, my brother needs to perform good at his thing.’’ Emma explained.

‘’So, is he like a footballer or something?’’ I asked, I was curious. He was my cousin. Emma shook her head. ‘’No, he’s good in Tennis. My parents put him on tennis when he was like four years old and they never made him quit, even though he doesn't like it.’’ Emma said.

Jeez, her parents were hard. ‘’I know it sounds a little absurd, but my parents just wanted their children to be good in something. I guess.’’ Emma said unsure.

‘’Well, my mom and dad just let me do what I wanted.’’ I said. Emma frowned. Hmm, I sometimes just don't get girls.

Wait, that was an amazing video! I don't understand girls, yes. That was amazing! Ooh, now I was thinking about it, I wanted to ask Emma if she wanted to be in my video.

‘’Hey Em, I wanted to ask you something.’’ I said unsure. Emma looked at me, well I had her attention. ‘’Would you like to be in my video, for YouTube?’’ Emma frowned again. What did I do this time?

‘’I don’t know. I mean you have over the one million subscribers and I’m so busy and I just don't know. Which reminds me, I’ve to practise and I’ve to find a vocal coach. Maybe after the performance and when I’ve my own place.’’ Emma said and left the room. To practise, I think.

I sighed, just great. I really wanted her in my video. I called Alfie, because I wasn’t doing anything.

‘’Hello!’’ Alfie said cheerful.


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