Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15


Emma’s POV


‘’Hello, I’ve an announcement to make. We’ve a new member.’’ Sophia said through the practise room. Everybody looked up. Sophia motioned for me to come stand next to her.

‘’This is Emma Smith. I showed you her video. She’s 19 years old.’’ Sophia continued.


People started to mumble, I hope this wasn’t a bad thing. One girl took a step forwards. ‘’So, she’s that ‘Young Talent’ the BBC was talking about?’’ She said. It didn’t sound me, but also not very nice. I don't know.

‘’Ama, help this girl. Give her the music and a seat.’’ Sophia said. Ama looked around the 25. She was one of the younger members of the orchestra, well apart from me then.

Ama motioned for me to follow her. She walked to a tall man and mumbled something about the required stuff.

The tall man looked at me and then at Ama. She nodded and he walked away. After a few minutes, he came back with a music standard, the music and a binder to put the music in.

‘’So, there is a room reserved for you, you can practise everything there and we hope you know all the music next week.’’ Ama said. She let me to the room and opened the door.

‘’Okay, I’ll see you soon.’’ She said and walked away. Okay, so now I was all alone. I took out my phone, to record my practise, but I saw that I had a message from most of my friends.

 I didn’t bother to reply them, only the one from Joe. It made me smile. He texted me: ‘Hello gorgeous, I know you’ll rock today. Call me when you’re done. love you Joe xxx’

I quickly replied to him that I would call him and thanked him. After that, I looked at my music and smiled because it wasn’t too hard.

Even though the music wasn’t that hard, I was still trying to perfect everything. If I couldn't play it perfectly, I just could go home. I signed up for this, so that meant everything had to be perfect.

Around 5 PM, someone knocked on the door. I stopped my record and answered with a yes. Ama opened the door and took a few steps into the room. ‘’We are all leaving. It’s time to stop. You can leave your instrument here.’’ She said and smiled.

I nodded, took my phone and left everything behind. Ama said goodbye and started to walk to the other side of the building.

I grabbed my phone and called Joe.

‘’Hello?’’ He said. ‘’It’s me, Joe.’’ I said laughing. ‘’Babe, I’m going to put you on speaker. Maz and Sam are here.’’ He said softly. ‘’Sure.’’

I heard some noises and then three voices. ‘’Hey, no. Give me back my phone.’’ That had to be Joe. ‘’But your girlfriend is hot, let me talk to you.’’ Sam. ‘’Guys, maybe she can hear us.’’ Maz.

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