Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13


Joe’s POV


Today, I was going to ask her. Today I was going to ask Emma to be my girlfriend. I know I just knew her for a couple of days, but I couldn't help it. I liked Emma so much.

I rang her doorbell, I heard some noises and the door opened. Emma looked breathtaking.  The was wearing a dress. Now, I saw her the first time I met her in a dress. That one was sturdy. This one was black and showed her body nicely. Not too much, but also not too less. It just suited her perfectly.

‘’Are you ready to go?’’ I asked. Emma nodded. I took her hand and we took the elevator.

Walking through the streets, hand entwined with the girl you liked, that was one of the best feelings ever. We talked about (that was word 23456, sorry had to say that) ourselves and about the things we liked at school and things like that.

We walked through the park, children running around us, dogs running around, parents sitting on the benches, babies were just laying in their buggies. You could notice it was summer.

We sat down on the grass. Emma put her sunglasses on. I think this was a moment, right?

‘’Em.’’ Asking for her attention. ‘’Emma, I want to tell you something.’’ I said, nerves went through my body. ‘’Okay, go on then.’’ Emma said.

I took a deep breath. ‘’I really like you. I like the way your hair flows in the wind, how you smile when I say something, that you’re a vegetarian, that are not an animal person, how you love your family even though your mother hurt you, how passionate you are about playing cello, I like everything about you. The thing I love the most, is your personality. Emma, do you want to be my girlfriend?’’

It was quiet. Did I say something wrong, what did I do? Ooh no.

‘’Yes.’’ Was Emma’s answer. I looked her straight into the eyes. ‘’Yes, I want to be your girlfriend.’’ Emma said. She smiled and blushed. I pressed my lips on hers. I just had to kiss her.

Emma wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist, pulling her closer. She was my girlfriend, now.

We pulled away at the same time. I looked into her beautiful eyes. I think I was falling for her. I was falling hard for this girl.

Emma’s POV


I couldn't believe it. Joe Sugg asked me to be his girlfriend. I’m Joe Sugg’s girlfriend. It was so romantic, his words in the park. We were in a park, I love parks. It was just perfect.

‘’Hey you.’’ Zoe said. I looked up. ‘’Hello.’’ I simply said. ‘’So, what shop do you want to go first?’’ Zoe asked.

We planned this for 2 weeks ago. It was just coincidence that Joe asked me two days ago. Nobody knew, not even Marcus or Brianna. Joe said that I could tell people when I was ready.

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