Chapter Eleven

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dedicated to @RKnight14 because she's just amazing :)

Chapter 11


Emma’s POV


I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door. Joe squeezed my hand. He had offered to drive me to Sophia Westelands’ office. He also wanted to hear me play. This was a big deal for me. I was going to meet one of the most famous violists in the world.

I knocked on the door and Sophia immediately opened it. ‘’Hello miss Smith.’’ She said. ‘’Ooh, you brought your boyfriend with you?’’ Sophia asked. Before I could answer, Joe did.

‘’Yes, I never heard Emma play before. She’s so shy. I had to grab this opportunity to hear her play. I hope this is not a problem?’’ Joe said. He just said he was my boyfriend. Joe said he was my boyfriend. ‘’Of course not. What’s your name young man?’’ Sophia asked.

‘’Joe Sugg.’’ Joe answered polite. ‘’Anyway. Miss Smith. I want you to meet Nobuko Imai.’’ Sophia said. A small woman stood up. ‘’Hello miss Smith. I was really impressed when I saw you play. Sophia said I just had to meet you.’’ Nobuko Imai said.

This was just a dream. When I would wake up, I was in my bed in the Netherlands. I just couldn't believe it. ‘’It’s an honour to meet you.’’ I said quietly.

‘’So, what are you going to play for us?’’ Sophia asked. ‘’Bach, Suite 1 prelude.’’ I said. Sophia turned some chairs around so she, Nobuko and Joe could sit.

When I was ready, I started to play. Everything around me vanished and I just played like I played when nobody was around.

When I was done, Sophia said: ‘’Nobuko, I told you.’’ And smiled at me. Joe looked at me with wide eyes. Did I do something wrong?

‘’Okay, miss Smith. I really want you to play in my orchestra. Are you accepting?’’ Sophia asked. ‘’Ma’am, what’s the programme?’’ I asked polite.

‘’The first 6 months we practise here in London, after that we are going on tour in America and Asia.’’ Sophia said. This was big. Really big. ‘’Okay, could I call someone?’’ I asked. Sophia nodded.

I called my cello teacher. ‘’Oke, maak het snel.’’ She said to me (okay, make it quick) ‘’Justine, I’m about to sign a contract with Sophia Westelands. I don't know what to do.’’  I said in English. ‘’Sign it. everyone who is big, started there. sign it and you signed your future.’’ Justine said. ‘’Okay, bye.’’ I said.

I still didn’t know what to do. ‘’Ma’am. I would love to play for your orchestra. I just don't know if I could come on tour.’’ I said honestly. It was freaking me out. I was 18, almost 19. Only a few more days.

‘’Then, sign this contract for the months in London. If everything goes well, you can always sign for the tour too.’’ Sophia said and grabbed another contract. I looked at Joe. He clearly didn’t know what to do.

Choices (YouTube FanFic) {Joe Sugg/ ThatcherJoe Love Story} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now