Chapter Fourteen

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this is dedicated to @DobbyAwesome, I hope you survive your exame week...

Chapter 14

Emma's POV

I stared at Joe as he stopped the camera. ''Not okay to tell my subscribers?'' Joe asked unsure. ''No, it's not that. I am just shocked. Of course it's okay. I want those girls to know you're mine.'' I said smiling.

Joe grinned and gave me a quick peck. ''I didn't think so, young man. No PDA in my kitchen.'' Veronica said. It was the exact same minute, Jonathan threw his arms around Veronica and kissed her cheek.

''Mom, now your rule doesn't count.'' Joe said dryly. Veronica blushed a little, but didn't say anything. Joe smiled and pecked my lips again.

''Okay, I've made a plan.'' Joe said. ''You know the video where everyone asks people from America to the British YouTubers for slang? I wanted to do the same with you. You're Dutch. Nobody ever done that.'' Joe said.

I smiled, I liked the idea. ''Yeah sure.''

Joe's POV

I started to camera again. ''Okay. Me and Emma decided to play the slang game, but then with words. I've to guess what the word means. We saw all the American YouTubers do it with the British YouTubers. Now, I want to know some Dutch words.'' I said to the camera.

We started to game. ''Okay. This word I use a lot when I'm home.'' Emma said. She was doing really well, considering I just told her we were doing this.

''The word: Schatje.'' Emma said. I heard her use that word to her best friend and brother. ''Uhm, something as I love you or something?'' I tried.

''Well, sort of. It means Honey.'' Emma said. Okay, I wasn't even close.

''I'll make it easier for you. Let's start with the easy words.'' Emma said. I nodded. ''What means: Mes.'' Emma said. I never heard that word. I frowned. ''I'll give you a hint. It's something you have in your kitchen.'' Emma said smiling. I knew she liked this.

''Uhm.'' I couldn't think of something, so I just guessed. ''A knife?'' I asked. ''Yeah. Not that hard, right?'' Emma asked. ''No, not at all.'' I said sarcastically.

We tried more words. Emma asked me if I knew the words to a lot of strange words. A Spiegel, which is a mirror. A vlinder, which was a butterfly. A lippenstift, that was a lipstick. We stopped after we filmed some things over.

''I think we're done.'' I informed Emma. Emma just smiled. That girl was smiling a lot. ''You did really good.'' I said and kissed her. I could never get enough of her. Her lips, her hair, her eyes, her smile, her scent. Everything was perfect.

Mom asked Emma to stay for dinner, of course would mom ask that if we didn't even ate lunch. Emma said yes. She didn't want to disappoint my mom.

''Well, We will be back then. For dinner.'' I said loudly and took Emma's hand. We drove to London. ''What do you want to do?'' I asked.

''Not shopping. Zoe let me buy too much stuff.'' Emma said. I grinned, yes that sounded like my sister.

''How about the music store?'' I asked innocently. Emma's eyes glittered as she nodded. I smiled and drove to a parking lot. Parking the car and opening the door for Emma.

Together we walked to the music store. I was curious how she would react when she saw the store. I opened the glass door for her when we arrived at the store.

Emma looked around, she didn't know where to look. This store was so big. Emma walked to a piano and gently sat down on the bench. She started to play really quiet.

I listened. I knew this song. It was 'Ride.' From Kensington. It was a Dutch band. Emma made me a fan. She was always listening to it. She sang along. I didn't know how she knew all the notes and the lyrics, but she sounded amazing.

When she finished the song, she looked up and blushed. She apologized herself and walked away, to a container with music. I had no clue why she apologized. She was amazing. I didn't want to question her. Maybe it was really personal.

Emma took some music books and went to pay for them. I rushed to the counter and gave the boy the money. The boys put the books in a bag and handed it to Emma.

Once we were out of the store, Emma looked at me. She looked pissed. ''Why did you pay? I could easily pay for myself.'' She hissed. ''Emmie, I know. I just wanted to be a good boyfriend and pay for your stuff.'' I said softly.

Emma wrapped her arms around my neck. ''Gummy, you didn't have to do that. I've a fortune on my bank account. My stupid mother keeps putting money on it. I don't know why she won't stop. I'm not going to talk to her.'' Emma said.

Did she just call me gummy? ''Yeah, I did. I love Gummy Bears.'' Emma said sheepishly. I suddenly realised something.

''Em, I think we should tell our friends we're dating. I don't think they would like it if they found out in a video.'' I said seriously. Emma's eyes went wide. I hope in realisation and not in fright.

''You're right. Let's do that now. Just let's get this over with.'' Emma said. I called everybody and told them to come to the cafe.

''So, you're dating. You two are actually dating?'' Troye asked. We told him four times now and he was still asking. Everybody said they were happy for us, even Finn. He was just being the friend and that was how I liked it.

''Yes Troye. We are dating since the 17th of July.'' I answered for the third time. ''That's so sweet!'' Troye said. That was already the second time he said that. ''Where did he ask you?'' Maz asked. He insisted that I called him Maz. So, that's why I call him Maz now.

''In a park.'' I replied. People looked at us. They expected something more romantic. For me, the park was really romantic. Joe looked at the clock. I realised it was time to go. Veronica invited me for dinner.

''Uhm , guys. We need to leave. Mom wanted us for dinner.'' Joe said. everyone gave us a hug and Zoe whispered: ''Good luck.'' Before she let go of me. I was confused. Did she mean, this, that dinner thing or Joe. Maybe she meant something else.

Joe grabbed my hand and led me to his car. He opened the door and let me in. Like I said, he's a real gentleman.

''Joe. Why did Zoe said 'Good luck' to me. Do I have to be afraid for something?'' I asked serious once Joe was in the driver's seat.

''Uhm, my mom always wants to know everything when we bring someone home. It would be friends, something for school, anything. Mom would go crazy. Since she knows you, you'll get the more intimate questions.'' Joe said.

I gulped. Was I ready for this?

''Hey, hey. You are amazing. You don't have to worry about anything.'' Joe said when he saw a was starting to panic. ''I don't want to tell her about my mom, or my dad or my past. I, I...'' I trailed off.

Joe started to laugh. ''You know mom, she won't ask you questions like that.'' Joe said. I calmed down a little. Okay, it will all be alright. I've nothing to worry about.

By the time we were there. I was completely calm. Joe opened the car door and wrapped his arm around my waist. We walked to the door. Before Joe opened it, he wrapped both arms around my waist and turned me to face him.

''You'll do fine. Don't worry.'' Joe said and kissed me. The kiss was long and passionate. We stopped when the door opened and his mother was standing in the door post.

''So, young man. Hand that girl to me and there's no problem.'' His mother said serious. Joe looked at me, gave me another peck on my lips and then took my hand and took me inside.

Everything was already on the table. Veronica sure did her best. ''Please, take a seat.'' She said and smiled at me. Joe pulled out a chair for me so I could sit down. I smiled and thanked him.

His parents sat across from us. ''So, Emma. I've to say, I've never seen Joe like this.'' Jonathan said. ''Dad, shut up.'' Joe mumbled. I laughed and grabbed Joe's hand under the table and squeezed it.

''So, Emma. I'm sure Joe told you all about me.'' Veronica said. I looked at Joe, who sighed and nodded. ''Yes, ma'am.'' I said politely.

''Dear, I already said you could say Veronica.'' Veronica said kindly. I blushed. ''So, dear. Did you have other relationships in the past?'' Veronica asked. Joe choked in his water and Jonathan looked pointedly at Veronica.

''No, I've never had a relationship before.'' I mumbled. The three of them looked at me, they weren't believing me?

''So, Joe told us you were vegetarian.'' Veronica said. I nodded. ''I made you an omelette with bell pepper and union.'' I took a bite. It was really good. Better than all those stupid eggs I had to eat at home, well Marcus' home. I still had to talk about that with him.

''It's good. Thank you for thinking about it.'' I said and smiled.

The rest of the meal went really well. I helped Veronica washing the dishes, while Joe and Jonathan watched some TV.

''You know, it looks like Joe is already liking you much more than he liked his old girlfriends.'' Veronica said casually. I started to cough, since I was drinking some water.

''Ooh dear, are you okay?'' Veronica asked. I nodded and motioned for her to go on. ''Yeah, he and his last girlfriend broke up after eight months, but they weren't as close as you and Joe are right now. He never pulled out a chair for her and he wasn't too keen at holding her hand.'' Veronica said.

I blushed. This was something good right?

''So, that brings me to my other point.'' Veronica said. ''I hope you two are save.'' I coughed again. What?

''Dear, don't be so embarrassed. I know what kids do from your age.'' She said. I blushed even more. ''I'm still a virgin.'' I mumbled. I think I made that clear when I said that I never had a relationship before, but sometimes people can't take a hint.

Joe entered the room. He saw his mom and then me, I was still bright red. ''Mom, what did you say?'' He asked worried. ''I just said that I hoped you two were save.'' Veronica said.

Joe's face was hilarious. If this wasn't such an awkward moment, I would have laughed. ''Mom, that's not your business.'' Joe said.

''And mom, I think me and Emma should go. It's almost midnight.'' Joe said before Veronica could react. I looked at the clock to see that Joe was right.

''Okay, okay. Emma, I hope you stop by soon.'' Veronica said and gave me a hug. Jonathan walked into the kitchen and gave me a hand.

Joe quickly grabbed my hand and led me to his car. He really wanted to leave. ''I'm sorry about mom.'' Joe apologized. ''It's fine.'' I answered softly.

''What did you answer, when mom asked?'' Joe asked. I blushed, why was I blushing so much? '' I told her I was still a virgin.'' I mumbled.

Joe looked at me. ''When you told my mom you never had a relationship before, was that true?'' Joe asked. I nodded. ''I just can't believe that. You're so beautiful, smart, witty, pretty. I just can't understand why you never had a boyfriend before.'' Joe said.

''Boys never liked me. They said I was ugly, crazy and a loner.'' I mumbled. ''That's not true. I'm so happy that you're my girlfriend. When I post that video, people will all see how pretty you are.'' Joe said and kissed me with passion.

After what felt like days, we both pulled away. ''Em, I know we're just dating a week, but do you want to spend the night? If you want I could sleep on the couch.'' Joe said unsure. I nodded. ''I just don't have my pyjamas.'' I said.

''You could borrow a shirt.'' Joe said. ''Are you sure?'' He asked worried. I nodded. Joe smiled and drove off.

The whole drive, we didn't say a lot. But it wasn't necessary. The silence wasn't awkward. Soon, the car stopped.

Joe opened the car door and helped me out of the car. I never been to his house. I don't really know why.

Joe opened the door and walked into the apartment. I was pretty. A large couch was dominating the living room and the kitchen was black.

''Are you tired or do you want to watch some TV first?'' Joe asked. ''No, I really want to sleep.'' I said and yawned. Joe laughed and led me to his bedroom. His bedroom was basically one closet and a giant bed that could fit 4 people.

Joe threw me a long shirt and walked away. I quickly changed into the shirt and opened the door again. Joe was waiting there. he looked at me with big eyes.

''Is there something wrong?'' I asked worried. He shook his head. ''Now, grab your pyjamas and get in that bed.'' I said and walked back into the room.

The bed looked so comfy. I laid down on the left side and closed my eyes. I felt the bed dip in and Joe laid down next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and mumbled something.

I couldn't hear it because I was almost sleeping. I pouted my lips and Joe gave me a sweet kiss. I smiled and fell in a deep slumber.


I'm sorry, but that was so sweet!!

please, tell me what you think!!



love you all



updated: 20-11-13 08:26 (AM) (my time)

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