Chapter Twenty-Three

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dedicated to @forever0and0a0day, well she won the first contest, who's entering the second one.. if you're the only one, you already won XD

Chapter 23


Emma’s POV


‘’Megan, I’m going to miss you!’’ I exclaimed as I hugged the girl. We got quite close in these two weeks. Sawyer was okay, I just thought he was trying too hard to get me like him.

‘’You call and Skype me, understood young lady.’’ Megan said in a posh accent. ‘’God, you sound like my mother. Of course I’m going to call you!’’ I said and hugged her even closer.

‘’Okay, okay. I’m going to miss you Em.’’ Megan said before I stepped into Sawyer’s car. Joe and Megan said bye and Joe climbed next to me in the car. ‘’You can go Sawyer.’’ Joe said.

We drove off, I was going to miss LA. Apart from running away, it was one of the best experiences in my life. I took out my phone and tweeted something about going home. I had tweeted a lot this year. Well, 9 months. Yes, I was already 9 months in England and I didn’t want to go home.

‘’We’re here.’’ Sawyer said after 30 minutes. Joe got out of the car and helped me out too. He was so sweet. Sawyer and Joe did a weird man hug and Sawyer gave me a hand. I reluctantly shook his hand.

Joe looked pointedly at me. I rolled my eyes. ‘’Thanks for your hospitality.’’ I said. ‘’Anytime.’’ Sawyer said. Joe said bye again and we started to go to our gate.

‘’Thank you for flying with us. Have a nice day.’’ The pilot said. Joe grabbed our bags. He insisted on carrying mine too and we left to get our other luggage. ‘’Joe, thank you. Thank you for everything.’’ I said and I kissed his cheek.

‘’Emma, I would do anything for you.’’ Joe said. I smiled. ‘’Well, let’s go get our luggage.’’ Joe said. He grabbed my hand and together we walked to the place where we could get our luggage.

‘’I think Zoe is mad at you.’’ Joe said suddenly. I looked at him. ‘’You didn’t even call her in two weeks!’’ Joe exclaimed. I shook my head guiltily, of course he was right. ‘’Caspar is also not really font of you right now. He’s your best friend and you didn’t spoke with him for a long, long time.’’ I looked at the ground.

I was so busy with myself and with my relationship. Of course, I had called the members of Our Second Life every day, but that wasn’t the same. I had neglected m friends without even noticing, I was a horrible friend.

Luckily for me, I had bought something for everyone. I just saw it in one of my shopping sessions with Megan. I was like, ooh Zoe would like this, Caspar would like this, Megan was always laughing at me. Well, it was funny.

(A/N: 44.000 words on the whole story right now.. sorry for the interruption)

I was really going to miss Megan, since the accident where I had run off, we got pretty close. She was amazing and she had a boyfriend on her own. A YouTuber, I couldn’t even remember the name. I had met him through Skype. He was now in England, doing I don’t know. I was not really paying attention.

Choices (YouTube FanFic) {Joe Sugg/ ThatcherJoe Love Story} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now