Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter 32


Emma’s POV


"Joe? Will you get the door please?" I call from bed. 

I've not long woken up and don't want to leave the warmth of the blankets. I well and truly slept in as it is past twelve already.

The doorbell continues to echo throughout the apartment.

I groan as I get out of bed. The cold morning air nips at my feet.

Where is Joe anyway? He's supposed to be here today.

I hurry to the door. Whoever is here is so damn impatient as they are repeatedly ringing the bell.

I look through the peephole and grin when I see who it is.

"Caspar!" I exclaim as I swing the door open. I walk into his waiting arms.

"Hello future Mrs Sugg." He says with a laugh. "When were you planning on coming to show me your..?" He asks, dangling his hand in front of me and wiggling his fingers.

"Soon. You haven't visited. Didn't you see it in the video?"

I'm still getting used to it myself.

I'm engaged and this one little band on my finger tells the whole world that.

Joe and I are going to get married.

Caspar grins, "Not the same as in person though, is it? Besides, I haven't seen you in ages." He says with a laugh. "Are you going to let me in or.."

"Sorry." I apologise, stepping aside in the doorway. "Come in." I add.

Caspar walks in and I follow him to the living room.

"So.. What's new in the world of Caspar Lee?" I ask as I sit down the middle of the couch. Noticing for the first time a look in Caspar's eyes that is not normal.

Caspar sits opposite me in the recliner and shrugs.

"Not too much really. Making videos, getting into mischief. Just the usual."
I laugh, "Sounds fun."

"Not as fun as The Netherlands though, right? Have a good time?"

I grin, "It was perfect. Wouldn't change anything about it."

Our conversation is interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and then closing again.

"Must be Joe." I say to Caspar as I get up from the couch.

As expected Joe walks into the room, followed by Zoe and Alfie.

"Zoe!" I exclaim as she pulls me into a tight hug.

"Congratulations." She squeals, reaching for my left hand when she releases me.

It feels like I haven't seen Zoe in forever but it really hasn't been that long at all.

"They invited themselves over." Joe explains as he puts the bags in his hands down. He leans over Zoe, who is holding my outstretched hand in hers, admiring the ring, and plants a light kiss on my lips.

"You're so lucky." Zoe exclaims as she continues to examine my engagement ring.

I don't think I've ever been this happy in my entire life. Being here, with these people is what truly makes me happy and I wouldn't give it up for the world.

"What's in the bags?" I ask Joe as he sits down and Zoe lets go of my hand.

Joe smiles, "I was going to make dinner. Those two have invited themselves to dinner as well."

I smile, "Can Caspar stay for dinner too?"

Joe nods, "The more the merrier I guess."

I grin, "Yes! More the merrier. You do want to stay, don't you Caspar?"

I look over to where he is sitting. I know what is is! There is a troubled look in his eye. What's wrong?

He just nods, putting on a smile, "Sure. Haven't got anything better to do I guess."

I grin, "Yes! I couldn't think of a better way to spend the evening."

The others agree but Caspar still looks like his mind is off somewhere else.

"Caspar? Can you come help me with something?" I ask him, walking towards the door.

He immediately gets up and follows me to mine and Joe's messy bedroom.

As soon as I close the door I turn to him.

"Alright! What's wrong?" I demand. I've never seen him this way before.

He shrugs, "Nothing."

I raise my eyebrows at him. "Seriously Caspar. If you don't tell me I will beat the answer out of you." I threaten, a joke of course.

He screws his face up, hopping around from foot to foot as he runs his hand through his hair.

"I just, I don't know who you are anymore." He admits and I stare at him.

"What are you on about?" I ask, confusion clouding my thoughts.

Caspar sits in the edge of the bed, his forehead resting on his hand.

"Sam told me what you did. Just slapping him out of nowhere. Why would you do that?" 

I scoff. What a dirty fucking liar!

"What the hell Caspar? And you just believe him? You know me. I would never do that without a reason." I shout angrily. How could he think I would just do that? Sam has obviously told him half a story.

"Sam didn't seem to think that." He says quietly, almost as if he was taking to himself.

"He was lying Caspar! How could you be stupid enough to believe him?"

Caspar looks hurt and a little embarrassed like he suddenly realises how silly it was to believe what Sam said.

"He said some rude things to me. I slapped him. I suppose he also neglected to mention the fact that he punched me in the face? I should call the police for what he did."

Caspar's eyes soften as if he only just noticed the light bruising left on my nose.

"Emma, I'm so sorry-" he begins before I cut him off.

"It's okay, I'll forgive you just this once. But if you ever jump to conclusions like that again you might not be so lucky."

Caspar nods, getting up and enveloping me in a big bear hug.

"I'm sorry Emma," he mumbles as he lets me go.

I smile, "Yeah, yeah. Now let's just go have a nice time with good friends, yeah?"


This is written by the lovely @JoeSuggsWifey!

We wrote a chapter for each others story, it was super fun to do.

JoeSuggsWifey is also writing a Joe Sugg fanfic and I love it! I totally love it, so if you didn't read it already, go read it!!

please, give this chapter votes and comments to not only make me happy but also JoeSuggsWifey :)



at home, again

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