foreign fields :. constellations

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1. These eleven stars form the shape of a boy. The constellation represents a figure from the creation myth. It is most significant on the autumn equinox, when it appears just over the Northeastern horizon. It has a similar meaning to the constellations representing an eye, a net and a hound. Those born under it are often artistic.

2. These twelve bright stars form the shape of a longbow. The constellation represents the remnants of a myth from a lost culture. It is most significant during autumn, when it appears low on the Western horizon. It is related to the constellations representing an owl, a mouse and a crow. Those born under it are known for their wit.

3. These six bright stars form the shape of a rearing horse. The constellation represents a past ruler. It is most significant during summer, when it appears just over the Southern horizon. It is opposed by the constellations representing a rose and a king. Those born under it are said to be unusually lucky.

4. These eight bright stars form the shape of a cart. The constellation represents the power of a certain goddess. It is most significant on the winter solstice, when it appears low on the Western horizon. It is opposed by the constellations representing a hunter and a pair of boots. Those born under it are often perfectionists.

5. These seven dim stars form the shape of a dragon. The constellation represents a tale of betrayal. It is most significant during spring, when it appears just over the Southwestern horizon. It is related to the constellations representing a throne and a mountain range. Those born under it tend to be outspoken.

6. These five bright stars form the shape of a bat. The constellation represents a tale about the power of good. It is most significant on the autumn equinox, when it appears halfway towards the Northeastern horizon. It has special power in combination with the constellations representing a spider and a hammer. Those born under it are often artistic.

7. These five bright stars form the shape of three women. The constellation represents a tale about the power of hope. It is most significant during winter, when it appears setting towards the Northwestern horizon. Its story involves the constellations representing a mountain and a tiger. Those born under it are highly independent.

8. These eight dim stars form the shape of a deer. The constellation represents a tale about the power of love. It is most significant during winter, when it appears just over the Northern horizon. It is related to the constellations representing a leaf and an ant. Those born under it are said to be optimists.

9. These six stars form the shape of a ship. The constellation represents a figure from a folktale. It is most significant during autumn, when it appears low on the Northern horizon. It has a similar meaning to the constellations representing an old woman and a bird. Those born under it are known for their courage.

10. These fifteen bright stars form the shape of a plough. The constellation represents a prophesized messiah. It is most significant on the autumn equinox, when it appears halfway towards the Northwestern horizon. It is opposed by the constellations representing a horn and a mare. Those born under it are known to be mischievious.

11. These five stars form the shape of a prince. The constellation represents a figure from a tragic myth. It is most significant during summer, when it appears rising from the Southern horizon. It appears near the constellations representing a princess and a fox. Those born under it have an affinity for the element of earth.

12. These five dim stars form the shape of a lion. The constellation represents a tale about the power of evil. It is most significant on the winter solstice, when it appears rising from the Northwestern horizon. It is counterbalanced by the constellations representing a rooster and a man. Those born under it are said to be secretive.

13. These nine dim stars form the shape of a cat. The constellation represents a tale of greed. It is most significant during spring, when it appears setting towards the Northern horizon. It appears near the constellations representing a hand, a waterfall and a pair of dice. Those born under it are said to be optimists.

14. These seven bright stars form the shape of a scepter. The constellation represents a tale about the power of good. It is most significant during autumn, when it appears just over the Southern horizon. Its story involves the constellations representing a chair and a stream. Those born under it are rumoured to be great lovers.

15. These six stars form the shape of a stallion. The constellation represents the focus of worship for a cult. It is most significant on the autumn equinox, when it appears setting towards the Southern horizon. Its meaning is intertwined with the constellations representing a weeping man, a candle and a bear. Those born under it have an affinity for the element of fire. 

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