addict with a pen :. medieval army gen

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This army relies heavily on powerful mages and the use of halberds. They are, to a lesser extent, known for using tieflings and unconventional tactics. They are famous for enslaving conquered opponents and for their terrifying armor. Each force contains 25 sections of 430 soldiers. They have a very strict chain of command, with ranks based on acts of heroism. At present, they are anticipating a major battle.

This army is known for its devastating archers and the use of light crossbows. They are also known for using gnomes. They are famous for the antics of some of their commanders and for bravery. Each legion contains 15 platoons of 50 soldiers. They have a very strict chain of command, with ranks based on election by subordinates. At present, they are engaging in a standoff.

This army relies heavily on lone-wolf champions and the use of battleaxes. They are also known for using golems and exotic animal mounts. They are famous for enslaving conquered opponents and for their refusal to accept surrenders. Each faction contains 15 platoons of 250 soldiers. They have a highly formal chain of command, with ranks based on appointment by civilian officials. Currently, they are performing purely ceremonial duties.

This army is famed for its overpowering numbers and the use of daggers. They often rely on psions and eladrin. They are famous for their overwhelming bureaucracy and for their high-quality weapons. Each corps contains 2 regiments made up of 10 battalions of 490 soldiers. They have a highly formal chain of command, with ranks based on aptitude. At present, they are a long ways from home.

This army specializes in fast-striking cavalry and the use of glaives. They often rely on templars. They are famous for ruthlessness and for wanton cruelty. Each division contains 7 regiments made up of 20 troops of 10 soldiers. They have a very strict chain of command, with ranks based on social status. At the moment, they are suffering from low morale.

This orcish army relies heavily on crafty mages and the use of pikes. They also employ half-orcs. They are famous for general lawlessness and for their rampant corruption. Each regiment contains 25 squadrons of 290 soldiers. They have a very strict chain of command, with ranks based on seniority. At the moment, they are resting after a series of forced marches.

This orcish army is known for its ranged attacks and the use of tridents. They have been known to use demons and exotic animals. They are famous for their rampant corruption and for enslaving conquered opponents. Each cohort contains 10 teams of 390 soldiers. They have a highly formal chain of command, with ranks based on political connections. At present, they are having supply-chain problems.

This army is known for its powerful cavalry and the use of scimitars. They often employ enchanted weapons and druids. They are famous for refusing to ever surrender and for valour. Each unit contains 10 squadrons of 430 soldiers. They have a highly informal chain of command, with ranks based on wealth. Currently, they are making preparations for an upcoming campaign.

This army specializes in superior air support and the use of slings. They often make use of undead and weather mages. They are famous for righteousness and for refusing to ever surrender. Each contains 30 lines of 20 soldiers. They have a very loose chain of command, with ranks based on social status. At the moment, they are being celebrated as heroes.

This army specializes in overpowering numbers and the use of bucklers. They are, to a lesser extent, known for using vampires. They are famous for impressing peasants into their ranks and for flashy tactics. Each contains 10 lines of 190 soldiers. They have a loose chain of command, with ranks based on social status. At present, they are suffering from low morale.

This army is known for its devastating archers and the use of dirks. They often rely on shapeshifters. They are famous for their strict code of ethics and for mercy to the defeated. Each contains 25 squadrons of 500 soldiers. They have a highly informal chain of command, with ranks based on wealth. At the moment, they are celebrating an easy victory.

This army relies heavily on stealth and the use of light crossbows. They are also known for using magic artifacts and centaurs. They are famous for wanton cruelty and for their pride. Each contains 15 companies of 390 soldiers. They have a very loose chain of command, with ranks based on aptitude. Currently, they are celebrating a hard-won victory.

This army is famed for its crafty mages and the use of lances. They often employ wyverns and summoners. They are famous for wanton cruelty and for bloodlust. Each contains 15 groups of 340 soldiers. They have a very strict chain of command, with ranks based on promotion by superiors. Currently, they are being celebrated as heroes.

This army is famed for its powerful clerics and the use of broadswords. They often employ fey and ogres. They are famous for giving aid to peasants they encounter and for bravery. Each contains 15 squadrons of 290 soldiers. They have a highly formal chain of command, with ranks based on social status. Currently, they are anticipating a crushing defeat.

This army is known for its stealth and the use of sickles. They often employ weather mages. They are famous for debauchery and for wanton cruelty. Each contains 15 battalions of 370 soldiers. They have a highly informal chain of command, with ranks based on wealth. Currently, they are being celebrated as heroes. 

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