march to the sea :. law gen

3 1 0

The penalty for a servant stealing metals is the loss of privileges.

The penalty for a tradesman striking a slave is public humiliation.

The penalty for stealing gems is a moderate fine.

The penalty for a priest stealing textiles is a warning.

The penalty for a soldier stealing a horse is a warning.

The penalty for a guard stealing books is a brief imprisonment.

The penalty for spying is a brief imprisonment.

The penalty for a noblewoman abusing a dog is the stocks.

The penalty for destroying spell scrolls is the loss of privileges.

The penalty for endangering a member of the royalty is a long imprisonment.

The penalty for fighting a member of a certain bloodline is execution.

The penalty for plotting murder is whipping.

The penalty for a member of a lower class illegaly trafficking artifacts is a loss of social status.

The penalty for a slave fighting a member of the royalty is the loss of a limb.

The penalty for stealing wine is a small fine. 

chaotic shiny :. resource & generator threadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora