coming down :. arena gen

3 1 1

Size: medium

Shape: oval

Gates: west, east and south

Seating: for 8970

Uses: gladiatorial fights, animal hunts and chariot races

Material: wooden walls, brick floor

Decorations: cages, weapons and statues of gods

Traps: none

Size: medium

Shape: square

Gates: south, northeast, west, southwest and east

Seating: for 6720

Uses: gladiatorial fights, monster hunts and races

Material: bone walls, slate floor

Decorations: mythical tapestries, inscriptions, scenic murals, historic tapestries and weapons

Traps: none

Size: medium

Shape: oval

Gates: north, south, east and southeast

Seating: for 11120

Uses: gladiatorial fights, battle re-enactments, animal hunts, ceremonies and sacrifices

Material: wooden walls, marble floor

Decorations: armor, altars, patterned murals and corpses

Traps: none

Size: very small

Shape: irregular

Gates: north and east

Seating: for 1490

Uses: gladiatorial fights, animal hunts, monster hunts and battle re-enactments

Material: wooden walls, wooden floor

Decorations: historic tapestries, statues of heroes and mythical tapestries

Traps: spinning blades, flame jets and spiked pits

Size: large

Shape: hexagonal

Gates: southwest, north, northeast and south

Seating: for 5450

Uses: gladiatorial fights, sacrifices, sporting events, coronations and trial by combat

Material: brick walls, bone floor

Decorations: inscriptions, statues of rulers and armor

Traps: arrow traps, acid pits and snares

Size: small

Shape: oval

Gates: east and west

Seating: for 2960

Uses: gladiatorial fights, monster hunts and sporting events

Material: obsidian walls, dirt floor

Decorations: shrines, carvings, skeletons and family banners

Traps: none

Size: very large

Shape: diamond

Gates: south, west, east and northeast

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