action cat :. inspiration finder gen

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Find the drawer farther to your right. Count 3 drawers to the left, moving to other items of furniture if needed. Open that drawer. Apply the results to a journey.

Walk outside for a few paces, spin around with your eyes closed then walk 9 steps. Find the closest item to you. Apply the results to a character's desires.

Look at your emails. Find word number 35 in email number 7. Apply the results to the setting.

Find the nearest post-it note and find word number 8. Apply the results to a character.

Hit the 'random generator' link. Apply the results to an antagonist.

Walk into another room, close your eyes, spin around, and point at an item. Apply the results to a moral dilemma.

Find the closest piece of art to you and count 2 items to your left. Consider them as a group. Apply the results to an event.

Find the nearest post-it note and find word number 10. Apply the results to a minor conflict.

Go to a random article on wikipedia and find paragraph 8. Apply the results to an important object.

Walk into another room. Look at the 9 items nearest the largest piece of furniture. Apply the results to someone from a character's past.

Find the nearest bookshelf, close your eyes, and run your hand back and forth over the books while slowly counting to 10. Look at the cover art of the book you land on.. Apply the results to a plant.

Go to a random article on wikipedia and find paragraph 3. Apply the results to a brief divergence.

Find the nearest bookshelf, close your eyes, and run your hand back and forth over the books while slowly counting to 6. Look at the cover art of the book you land on.. Apply the results to a new minor antagonist.

Spin around with your eyes closed then walk 7 steps. Find the closest item to you. Apply the results to a message.

Find one of your open chat windows, and scroll up 9 lines. Apply the results to things happening in the background. 

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