human race :. magic gen

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Confusion spells, astral projection and shapeshifting are strongly associated with this form of magic. It uses gems and names in spellcasting. It can only be learned by those already touched by magic. Practitioners don't scare.

Ice, lightning, weather and transmutation are this craft's specialties. It uses mystical reagents.

This type of magic uses chakras in spellcasting. Curses, astral projection, transformation and chronomancy are strongly associated with it.

Earth, blessings and curses are considered this school of magic's central attributes. It uses the natural world to channel power. Practitioners rarely learn other types of magic.

Practitioners of this school of magic are incredibly logical in their thinking. Astral projection and stealth are considered its central attributes. It uses mirrors and natural abilities to channel power.

Practitioners of this type of magic generally prefer to fade into the background. It uses patterns in spellcasting. Madness, lightning, control and order are what it is known for. It cannot be learned without the guidance of another practitioner.

Fire and growth are this tradition's specialties. It uses amulets to channel power. Practitioners have a slight tendency towards clumsiness.

This technique can only be learned at formal academies. Madness and summoning are what it is known for. It uses pain and chants. Practitioners are more powerful at night.

Practitioners of this type of magic have innate magic. Change and transmutation are strongly associated with it. It uses blades and concentration as foci.

Practitioners of this system of magic study for years. Luck and shapeshifting are strongly associated with it. It uses astronomy as a focus.

Change, binding and summoning are this approach to magic's most notable aspects. Practitioners are prone to violent outbursts. It uses glyphs.

Practitioners of this technique are allergic to certain materials. It can only be learned at formal academies. Offensive spells and beauty are what it is known for. It uses glyphs.

Practitioners of this tradition are well-liked in their native region. It uses astronomy to channel power. Confusion spells and transformation are strongly associated with it.

Practitioners of this tradition rarely get along with each other. Offensive spells, transformation, blessings, boundaries and order are what it is known for. It uses weapons.

Transportation, water and offensive spells are this tradition's most notable aspects. It uses mathematics as a focus. 

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