stuck on you :. bizarre alchemy

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Jello + Cotton balls + Gypsy Tears + Chanting = Sulfur

Marbles + Safety pins + Luck = Varnish

LEDs + Electric Guitar + Chanting = Red Paint

Soap (bar) + Blue Paint + Puff of smoke = Silver

Cereal + Ball bearings + Puff of smoke = Sequins

Denim + Cell phone + Capslock key + Hocus Pocus = Bottle caps

Pogs + Emeralds + Silk + Intricate diagram = Tar

Ceramic figurines + Steel wool + Magic = Steak

Lightbulbs + Spandex + Cement + Microwave on high = Beer

Spam + Pumpkin + Printer ink + Faulty logic = Peanut Butter

Wiffle ball + Plastic + Cardboard + Puff of smoke = Sugar

White Gold + Steak + Elaborate dance = Uranium

Sapphires + Sequins + Magic = Cologne

Bottle caps + Uranium + Wax + Fire = iPod

Glue + Champagne + Intricate diagram = Silly Putty

Fire Opals + LCD screen + Chanting = Fuzzy dice

Icecream + Spark Plug + Chanting = Pleather

Silly Putty + Knitted scarf + Mulch + Prayers to Cthulu = Perfume

Yellow Paint + Chocolate + Microwave on high = Sulfur

Opals + Lead + Fire = Rubber Cement

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