brother :. apocalypse gen

3 1 1

Initial Cause: religious end of days

Secondary Causes: global war and world domination attempt gone wrong

Threats: zombie animals, diseased animals, dangerous storms, and pools of acid

Survivors: 22.3% of the population

Initial Cause: ancient evil unearthed and natural disaster

Threats: starving animals, toxic food, and carnivorous plants

Survivors: 40.5% of the population

Initial Cause: nuclear experiment gone wrong

Threats: starving animals, giant bears, religious cults, diseased animals, and sea monsters

Survivors: 26.8% of the population

Initial Cause: asteroid strike

Threats: hailstorms, radiation, giant wolves, starving animals, and toxic food

Survivors: 9.5% of the population

Initial Cause: pollution

Secondary Causes: terrorism and climate change

Threats: carnivorous plants, wild magic, and giant bears

Survivors: 70.1% of the population

Initial Cause: biological experiment gone wrong

Secondary Causes: massive storms and radiation

Threats: firestorms, zombie animals, lack of resources, giant wolves, fanatics, and crazed humans

Survivors: 39.6% of the population

Initial Cause: nuclear warfare

Threats: starving animals, giant rats, diseased humans, and vampires

Survivors: 16.3% of the population

Initial Cause: dimensional rift

Secondary Causes: giant insects and religious cults

Threats: acid rain, hailstorms, and starving animals

Survivors: 37.5% of the population

Initial Cause: sentient robots and world domination attempt gone wrong

Threats: firestorms, diseased animals, and areas of lava

Survivors: 7.1% of the population

Initial Cause: bioengineered plague

Secondary Causes: plague of insects and asteroid strike

Threats: areas of lava, radiation, and various undead

Survivors: 36.8% of the population

Initial Cause: oceans rise

Secondary Causes: supernatural disaster and areas of lava

Threats: dangerous storms, tsunamis, mutated humans, and lack of resources

Survivors: 53.5% of the population

Initial Cause: nuclear experiment gone wrong

Threats: hailstorms, slow zombies, and diseased animals

Survivors: 32.8% of the population

Initial Cause: chemical warfare, ancient evil unearthed, and dimensional rift

Threats: disease, earthquakes, and radiation

Survivors: 34.0% of the population

Initial Cause: chemical experiment gone wrong

Secondary Causes: giant bears and vampires

Threats: contaminated areas, dangerous storms, lack of resources, and areas of lava

Survivors: 29.1% of the population

Initial Cause: psychological warfare, massive storms, and natural plague

Threats: starving animals, disease, giant rats, communists, and lack of resources

Survivors: 62.4% of the population

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